Friday, August 31, 2007
the axis of evil
should ileave?
should icome back another day
what you say about me?
what you see in me
should ileave?should istay?
when i see your tears even
it was crocodail tears
should ileave?should istay
when isee your fake smilles
should ileave?should istay?
when i feel my heart breakes
should ileave?should istay?
when isee you with him
should ileave? should istay?
should icome back another day?
what you say all is play
when u make me wanna fly
all u say is play
should ileave?should istay?
should icome back anotherday
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
in your eyes

picturs talks better

now u just wakeup allot of girls well be jealous of you coz that no one look so beautiful after he wake only you be like that

mysterious look makes the heart popup looking and staring to you

so innocent whenever ilook to this picture its like im looking to so cute childesh baby

a bet wild but wildness mixed with purity with innocenity just want to sit for hours looking at you

growing girl allot of self confidant just the rouand face saying allot and hidding allot

inteligence is showing from the eyes with the glasses like cute professor.but my problim in ur cheeks like red appels
well ihave for you more than 200 picture and all of them is so pretty and they makes a problim to me to see them every day so iforget the time with it.but actually imean to do that coz thats my world now.ilove you sayang
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
don't wounder
Monday, August 27, 2007
this girl(most beautiful girl in earth)my sayang

this girl /ilove this girl so much/iadore this girl so much/ilike this girl so much/isayangthis girl so much/im intrested in this girl so much/i have passion to this girl so much/ ihave affection to this girl so much/ihave fondness to this girl so much/ im attracted to this girl so much/im addected to this girl so much/im roaming in this girl so much/im wandering for this girl so much/im ardent to this girl so much/im crazy of her soooooo much.
maybe u say im realy crazy now but the true im so rational coz that ilove her coz no girl on earth like her not in old times or in future shes uniqe very so much uniqe but im only crazy in her in her love crazy in her face.crazy in her heart.crazy in her beauty.crazy in her seductives.crazy in her crazy in her crazy in her crazy in her arms .im crazy in her crazy in her crazy in her crazy in her crazy in her when she crazy in her soul im crazy in her way of crazy in her crazy in her all of crazy in everything in her or anything she touch or say or love or want im crazy only with her and about her and for her im crazy.
saya sayang edah .saya bayi edah.saya kehidupan edah.ku selaiu katakan bahawa ku takkan sayang sebarang kerana ku sahaja maklum pada sayang edah.agaknya ur sayang pada saya tiada hakiki dan saya maklum bahwa sudah.edah u berfikir nya khayalan malah bahawa adalah ku hakikat.dan ku perigi selalu tinggal pada dia hingga ku mati kerana ku sayang u hingga ku mati.berfikir nya khayalan ataupun tiada. ku tiada jagaan.segala saya jagaan bahawa ku sayang edah hingga saya mati bahawa mencukupi pada saya.
ilove u so much and no one well love u like ilove u and iwell stay on my love till my death for ever and for ever and for ever thats the only thing iknow now that icant love or iwell love any else but u coz not u only in my heart no u in my mind too and my soul and u in my blood u in my flesh in my bones. u r inside me ilove u iswear im u r everything to me u r my wholife u r my girl my love my sayang sayang sayang
(note for cerious people iuse pink color in all my posts coz its her favorite color)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
whyyyyyyy???????(please read it from down to top)

But when any Muslim makes a mistake or treats people in a bad manner - people say "Islam is the reason"!

When someone drives a perfect car in a bad way no one blames the car.

But when he dedicates himself to Islam he is hopeless!

But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!

Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom?
in my heart
if we love somebody could be this strong
iwell fight to win our love will conquer all
iwouldnt risk my love even just one night
our love will stay in my heart
ifight and tryed to fight so long to keep u but ifaild
idont know how but all iknow that ifaild
iloved u legendary love love like old times love
ilove u with my soul before my heart and mind
u hurt me allot but istayedlove u. every time u hurt me
itryed to hate u but icouldnt coz ifound that my heart
can only love u.iwasent this person before yes its not me
coz of u ibecome like this but ifaild in keeping u
iwounder why how but idont know know realy
idont know.itold u iwell die if u left me u think its joke
coz im alive now.but im realy dead man just walking
all ican say that iloved u with my soul my heart my feelings
my emotions but u r now with anotherone.
all ican say in my heart that...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
is't worthy
all is name for u but my favorite name for u is
my love habibty as iused to call u by that word
before imeet u iwas stoned heart like everyone
say to me man u dont have heart or ur heart is they wrong ihave heart and very kind
heart too but iwasent good in expressing my
feeling then u come edah u come and everything
change the stoned heart melt on ur hands
first one u who learn me how to express myself
u who learn me how to uncover my feeling
u who learn me how to descover my emotion
u and only u who do all that since iknowt u
if isay im greatfull not enough thankfull not enough
no words can give u ur right no words can tell u
what iwant say all ican say is onething
adnique.edah.sae'dah elmubarakah is one thing
its love for ever with no endless whatever happin
may allah keep u and save u and guide u always
adnique.edah.sae'dah elmubarakah
Friday, August 24, 2007
sae'dah elmubarakah
means love of my life means the only love ihave for everrrrrr
s surfing in ur eyes waves not looking for any coast never
a anything she say go direct deeply inside my heart
e endless love ifeel for u no one ever feel it or well feel it
d deeply adoring u with all my senses with all of me
a down on earth or up in sky ionly see u no one else
h heart full of passion full of love full of sea'dah
e edah ur nick name the most beautifull name my ears always hear
l land of my dreams is u land of my wish is u
m many days ionly dream of u in sleep and wakness
u using ur charms on me make my heart melt
b black and white my life was before u but u give it colors
a angel in everything angel on earth angel ilove an angel
k cute face full of innocent like babys im crazy of this face
a angel angel angel angel angel angel angel angel angel
h have never love or iwell love any else but sae'dah elmubarakah
just remember allah
and you are out of your mind
just remember
allah is the all-kind
when your life is in darkness
and nothing is right
just remember
through the darkness
allah is the light
when nothing makes sense
and your heading for demise
just remember.
it doesn't make sense but.allah is the all-wise
when times are troubled
and no one seems to care
just remember
allah won't hurt you.he is just test you
when your is breaking
and your pain makes you fall
just remember
allah sees all.
when you are weak
and the road seems long
just remember
seek strength from the all-strong
when life is aburden
and everything is unstable
just remember
allah is able to do all
when the way is cloudy
and theres no one by your side
just remember
allah is the only guide
when no one wants to listen
or is willing to lend an ear
just remember
allah is the all-hearing
when you are poor and penniless
and you are stuck in aniche
just remember
allah is the rich
when you are down in your misery
and theres nowhere to run
just remember
u can always run to the one
when yor are all alone
and your pain has no end
just remember
allah is the only one you can depend on
and when your scars are hurting
and your heart is in fear
just remember