Tuesday, September 9, 2008


woking up in the morning but it wasent same normal morning as always it was some how diffrent,walking lazy to wash my face why cant isee cleary maybe still half sleep maybe,hearing voice come from far talking about birthdays and partys and all that but who are they and to whom they say that will no problim whatever the voices not clear also,washing my face to feel freshand looking in mirror who is that thats not me?looking in mirror find someone else not the one iused to see someone old have mostach beard lines under eyes from nights and days from fighting and chasing dreams from life all thats but thats not me,my mirror where me my mirror answer me my mirror tell me who is me and where is me.oh mirror oh mirror tell me who is that where is me where me the dream chaser where is me iused wash my face here where did igone where's my old face iwas here last night where did igo and who is that who is that who is that.happy birthday to you,happy birthday to sameh, happy birthday to you,sameh thats me happy birthday to me?ist my birthday oh its mine mirror say its you and that is you and only you cant you recoginze yourself do you deny yourself or you such ignorant dont know yourself,thats you after all that years cant you see life is gone,years is gone,dreams is gone,goals is gone,lovers is gone and you only here but soon you will be gone,years graved your face cant you see,lines under your eyes from the nights you spend dreaming and wishing,where your eyes light gone coz you waste it in dark and in light, your eyes light wasted and its just eyes like any eyes no diffrence at all like before.mirrors cant lie and the truth now infront of your eyes you cant deny it look to your eyes in mirror deep deep in it try to see wheres the dreams gone wheres the powerfull life wheres the protest against myself wheres the reject to what idont like,why thsi surrender who won me or life who beat the other me or lifeand the mirror answer look to your face and today your birthday you want know who won sure its life won on you no one can beats life coz the life train non cant stand infront of it or the train stop to anyone.life wons coz life train gone and the life itself gone my birthday man.
and remember yor mirror tells you life train never stop.....

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