Monday, February 16, 2009


like the old myth says
once upon a time very old time,
was the phoenix bird he lived thousand year
lived in heaven and come to earth
gone from north to south
from west to east,
till he settle on tree and build his nest on this tree
in his thousand's year his nest burned and he burned
a live in it after long life he burned a live in his nest.
is that the end?no that was the begining,
after all thought the phoenix burned and die,
in the third day the resurrection happin and the phoenix
rised from the ashes and reborn brand new phoenix.
freedom fighters in gaza and in all world never die's
under flames,and shooting missles,under tanks and airplanes,
ashes all arouand,fire all arouand,
the smell of death invading the souls,
spearding black color of horror,
rising the sounds of cry and screems enjoying the tones
of baby's pain this sound for them better than mozart concert,
but when phoenix rised from ashes all cry stop,all pain stop.
the phoenix here not bird,
its human and not one its thousands and even millions,
born as phoenix from ashes going to ashes again,
but never surrender,never stop by enemy crulity,never stop by enemy bloodshade,all there mission in life is freedom there life freedom,there land freedom.
whenever all world think they finish they born again,
come from ashes come through the pain to reval the truth,
when you look to them you think they not like us,they come from the land dust,the land stones,the land olive trees.
in gaza they are and from gaza they are even if not from there basicly,but in end from any other place in world there being and existance is known there and by there.
in the face of killing machine the crulest killing machine known for now,in the face of blood rivers shaded by there weapons,infront of human wolfs yearning for baby's blood and for dead corps,infront of blind deaf mute unfair world that turn his dirty stinky ass away when mascares done and blamed the victum coz he is victum,
blamed them coz they screem while slaughter beacause they must shutup and leave the butcher do his bloody job,
infront of speachless and handcuff and woresless,
infront of wasted hope, lost wishes and dead dreams,
the phoenix stood and will stand forever
no one will break the phoenix or kill him
they phoenix will stand and will never die's
in gaza he is and from ashes he will born
in any place any time

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