Saturday, April 18, 2009


the true that women sufers allot,and she was the victem for every system,and sorrow in every age,deprivation pages,and sadness sources,faced allot oppressing and wrongs the humanity never saw like it
pages of disgrace....
from disgrace pages on humanity,to treat women like she wasent from humanbeen,no civilazation pass unless it gaves allot of unfair to women and subdual and oppression.
(greekian civilazation)say about women shes poisned tree and say she's divel work,and sell as any product.
(the romans civilazation)say she dont have soul,and they torture women by spoil hot oil on it,and draged by horses.
(chinees civilazation) say she's painfull water washing the happines,and the chinees have the right to bury his wife a live and if he dead she will be legacy for his family.
(indian civilazation)say about womens ,nor death or hell or poison or snakes or fire worse than women,and women dosent ahve the right to live if her husband die and they burn her with his body.
(parsian civilzation) they allow marrieg in incest without excption,and the parsian man can judge his wife by death.
(jews civilaztion)say she's curse because she's the reason of sin and seduction,and impurity when she have her menstruation,and her dad can sell her.
(christian civilaztion) the french make discuss in the year 586 to search if women human or not human,and do she have soul or not,and if she have soul isnt animalic soul or human soul,and if human soul is't same level of man soul or less in level,then they agree she have human with human soul but she created to serve man only.
and the british parliament in age of henry th8 give decision to forbid on womens to read the new testament coz they impurity.
(arabian civilaztion before islam) they hate her like death,and they do bury her live or through her in deep well.
women liberation...
Then came the mercy of God's gift to all mankind,withQualities changed the face of ugly history,to create life Unprecedented in human civilizations ever.
Islam came to say(And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness).
Islam came to say (But consort with them in kindness)
Islam came to say(Provide for them, the rich according to his means, and the straitened according to his means).
Islam came to say(Lodge them where ye dwell, according to your wealth).
Islam came to say(and harass them not so as to straiten life for them).
Islam came to say(give unto them their portions as a duty).
Islam came to say(and unto the women a share of that which parents and near kindred leave).
Islam came to say(and unto women a fortune from that which they have earned).
Islam came to say(and bestow upon them of the wealth of Allah which He hath bestowed upon you).
Islam came to say(They are raiment for you and ye are raiment for them.)
Islam came to say(seek not a way against them. Lo!).
Islam came to say(It is not lawful for you forcibly to inherit the women (of your deceased kinsmen).
Islam came to say(nor (that) ye should put constraint upon them that ye may take away a part of that which ye have given them).
Islam came to say(Divorce must be pronounced twice and then (a woman) must be retained in honour or released in kindness)..........
The Holy Prophet came to show us the status of women,they ask him of who the most person he love?he answers aisha' his wife.
they get him gift's so he say give it to someone because she was his late wife friend.
and he who said be so kind to women's.
and he whom said womens same as men.
and he who said if the man didnt like something in the women sure he will like another.
and he whom said the best man whois best to his family and wife.
and he whom said the man must provide livelihood and clothing by kindness.
and he whom said from the happines in life that the man have good wife.........
There are lots and lots of evidence,That Islam is the real liberater of women slavery,
1.Islam, keeping the right of women:while she still in her mom womb,and if the mother divorced while she pregnant in her,Islam requires the father to spend on the mother during pregnancy(And if they are with child, then spend for them till they bring forth their burden).
2.Islam keeping the right of women:that if she pregnant and do crime the punishment delay till it birth so the embry wont effect.
3.Islam keeping the right of women:as newborn in livelihood and clothing (The duty of feeding and clothing nursing mothers in a seemly manner is upon the father of the child).
4.Islam keeping the right of women:In the incubation period, which extends to a few years,And requiring the maintenance by the father in this period.
5.Islam keeping the right of women:in inheritance genraly old or young is same allah said (and if there be women more than two, then theirs is two-thirds of the inheritance, and if there be one (only) then the half.).
6.Islam keeping the right of women: in choosing the right husband and acceptance or refusing in choice.
7.Islam keeping the right of women:in having dowry when marrieg and its order for man to give it to his bride (And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty).
8.Islam keeping the right of women:in conditioned divorce if she cant live with her husband islam give her the right to divorce him and return him his dowry and other money and gifts he give her.
9.Islam keeping the right of women:as divorced women(For divorced women a provision in kindness: a duty for those who ward off (evil).
10.Islam keeping the right of women:as widow and give her the right to inhert her husband(And unto them belongeth the fourth of that which ye leave if ye have no child, but if ye have a child then the eighth of that which ye leave).
11.Islam keeping the right of women:as orphan and make a part for her in everything even in war victory.and from the money of islamic charity,and in the spending of relatives.
12.Islam keeping the right of women:in her social life among others and her state betwen her family.
13.Islam keeping the right of women:in protecting her honor that forbbid looking to her with bad inttention (ell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest).
14.Islam keeping the right of women:to punish whom accuse her by sin without evidence(And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes ).
15.Islam keeping the right of women:as mother that require kindness beneficencery and filial piety to her and warned from any bad word to her.
16.Islam keeping the right of women: in home that order the husband by it,(Lodge them where ye dwell, according to your wealth).
17.Islam keeping the right of women:in her health and give her permission to not fast when she be pregnant or breastfeeding.
this is just few examples of the women right in islam not all rights its just example coz full rights needs book,women in islam mostely more protected have more rights,spot of concern to be protected ,and to be the jewlery of the man.
the western world creat monster from the soft creature called women it made it just cheap merchandise everyone look at it covet in it,make it single mom with cowerd husband run away or boyfriend satisfy his desires then run,and the only who take the responsibility without any support,teenagers 15,16,17 is single moms they still need family rising
they still children, how in which law or morales accept that,this life killed something called family called intimate family ties,called morales and values of families,
and now we see they attack on islam who call for this morales to be back and accuse islam and muslims by narrow-minding just because islam call for this morales for this values for family for respectfull for all this morales and values.
"Marilyn Monroe" says in note before her suicide advising girls:bewary of glory bewary of who fool you with lights,am the most miserable woman on this earth,icouldnt be mother,im women perfere house,honest family life intop of everything,the happines of women in her family life,Indeed, this family life is a symbol of women happines and even Humanitarian,
and said too,all people was unfair to me working in cinema make women as cheap goods trifle whatever glory and fake fame she got.
who attack islam just want women like that,want millions of kids dosent know there fathers,want millions of womens suffer by kids facing this crule life alone,want families dont meet for years dont ask or know about each other,want cold relations betwen the closest people ,want that and this,and in end islam call for this morales call for no single mom,call for happy family,call for womens treated respectfull,call for putting the women in her right place more preciouse than jewlery that wrong to call for that?...............
p.s sentinces betwen brackets is from the holly quran


Anonymous said...

asalam wa alaykum your viwes are right and true to the testimony of ALLAH maasalam

samo said...

im glad u like it
hope u like my other blogs
and im working on new ones soon
thanks again