Tuesday, November 13, 2007

smell of the cry

in name of allah most gracious the most mercifull
is theres any sin gives u pain???
and u wish to leave it before leaving shrouds surrounds u and putt u under dust?????
its neer u putt ur head on it and bow
and let ur vessels that mix with arrogance and disobedience taste
the servility and submission
and let ur eye that cry allot to cry to ur final let it wash ur sin
go neer to ur lord and send ur soul there to touch sheer of life
and let ur heart uncover ur secret to him and complin ur pain
frank him by ur love to his heaven and ur scarry of his hell and ur heart
beating longing to see him and meet him
and confess to him...
that u love him say it from ur heart.
ilove u my god.
ilove u
and ur love hug my soul till firmament of the sky
my god my love
night drop his veil
and every lover come alone with his love
and im alone with u my lord and my tears complin to u my weakness
and my soul escape by my sin.and my shoulders mortal of greatness of my sins.
and my sins mix pain to my blood.
my confussion defeted me so ilost words and go to bow to u
and my rib curves affried of u and everything in me desert me and attach to u.
my god....my creator.........my lord
icry and noone heard my crying
and ipain and noone feels my pain except u
u who more mercifull of me than myself.take me in ur greatness of mercy
and dont forbidden me by my ignorant and my bad actions of
the blessing of ur grave.
o god!forbidden hell on body full of fear from u and longing to u
and dont leave me in the doomsday when u show me past sins and crimes
iswear by ur almighty
im destroyed if u didnt forgive me
glory u how could imeet u by my face what face can imeet u
what foot ican stand betwen ur hands
by what tounge italk to u
by what eye ilook at u
only ihave my heart full of love to u and tears
so accept me my god..my lord..my master.. my creator.......my allah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Subhan Allah !!