Tuesday, January 1, 2008

new year

few minutes and the new year well start so im writting this in 2 years hhhaaaa.in the new years hopes well born wishes well start dispointing well hell or putt it aside in dark corner repeting for things bad or good habbits well start and some well stop.people we lost and some other we win some we leave and some others leaves us.some dies and some born.money we spend and money we gain.heart get broked and some get healed.marrieg and love .sadness and happnies.dreams come true and some waits there roll.future we look forward and past we want bury.allot we see and allot we will see and maybe we will not see who know's.why people celebrate the new year is't coz its new just fresh coming or they say bye for the last year the one gone?why icelebrate coming year while istill dont know what well happin in it maybe it be worse than the one gone why ido celebrate new year means im getting more older it's year already passed and u more closer for ur end.its the nature that human fear of future of unknown from anything mysterious anything we dont know what well happin in it.so why we celebrate another year?maybe we do coz we insidly happy we more neer to end from this scary world right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sameh! :D