Friday, January 9, 2009


dont cry mom dont
im not dead mom im not.dont cry mom when you see my blood.dont cry mom when you see me pieces.dont cry mom when you see them kill me.beacause im not dead mom im killer thirsty for my blood.he killed me while iplay mom,while ising mom do you want know my song,moon fly in his sky,and the stars tells,tells to our beautifull country,in her eyes tearsssssssssss,iwant to wipe iwant to wipe it, the land we irrigate it with, your blood martyer,to our beautifull im baby but not as all babys,im baby born on sound of baby born on the screems of baby but not like all babys.why mom why ?why not all world babys,because u baby from gaza and u gaza baby,thats why my baby because ur name gaza,mom ifeel cold mom hold me dont let me,dont let world touch me and you must protect me.they killed me mom in my way for school,holding my books mom and my pencel,now its broken my pencel and cant write again,my blood on my books on my small bag,no one can use them again,iwnated show u what idraw mom,idraw white dove holding olive branch mom,but now my dove not white mom its red,my dove is red from my blood mom.but dont cry mom.our country land thirsty for her babys blood .will give her my blood.and im not dead mom im not live mom and my killer whom live mom now in heaven.flying with wings silver killer his bulits cut my parts. but now ihave wings silver dont cry not dead not dead.dont cry mom when you see my blood.dont cry mom when you see me pieces.dont cry mom when you see them kill me.beacause im not dead mom im not.(for the kids of gaza whom been killed on the hands of the new barbrians in this world the israelians,my soul for you my gazian babys)

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