Wednesday, May 7, 2008


did you ever feelt you are invisible?walking in streets no one feels you like they dont see you or like you just ghost no one see it at all but ghost maybe have some kind of effect at lest can make people get scared but you that kind of non scary ghost non see you,walking in the long road full of people all in there ways and you in your way but why you see them and non see you,you feel them and non feels you,if you that kind who care's you will care for all but non care's for youpeople pass beside you like the pass peacefull road with no cars or anything bring your attention at you at all,no one feel's your existance beside them or front of them or behinde means you dont have any existance at all.this feeling give you losting feeling even if you know where you going but you still feel you lost surely i assure you,you just lost your being and feel so happy want to share this happines with everyone but non see's you or feel your happines or joysame when you feel so sad and yor sorrow cuting his markes on your flowing face and you wish someone feel's you and ask what you feel and why,but sorry you just invisible non will do that because non know your's not there fault it's yours you whom amke that in yourself so just blame yourself if you have effect in anything surely you will not be invisible and people will notice you or feel your ray of lightness arouands you.while walking someone for first time coming runing opining his arms to hug you and you feel so happy finaly someone feels you and you no more invisible and he neer neer till his here now infront of you and you get ready for big warm hug feel you are important to someone,then suddenly he pass you like the sun ray pass in very clear transparent glassboard and pass you to hug someone else.....i can hear your heart crash and some runny tear but why that remember you just invisible.imake myself invisible and ifeel all that and more just trying now to revolt aginst that and iwill not accept to be invisible no more ibelive one person can change the world can make new history can and can and can and ibelive im the one and iwill do that iwill be attention catcher and more iwill be the idole for all,and iwill delete the word invisible at all,and iwill keep say that and say more and iwill not stop saying it and doing it and you just repet after me god didnt creat us to be invisible we whom done that we do that and more to ourselfs,now new begin and new me im no more invisible and no one can force me be unless iwake now from that dream.....ohh ijust wake up yeh new day new morning new sun new people everything new in new except ifind im stillINVISIBLE...........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I am invisible too...all the time.......I live in the shadows like a night creature but I like it is better to be invisible to all............except God.....I only hope that we are not invisible to God.........but He sees all and knows all and that is the most important of all!