Saturday, May 24, 2008


60 BLOODY YEARS ON THE DISASTER60 bloody full of killing bloodshedding vanishing years since isreal take palestine and start her war crimes on the innocent people womens childs old men even land and planet and animales didnt get safe of there crulity,3 crimenal gangs become a country later.(hajanah)(Argon)(Stern)this zionsims gangs become what called isreal country later but always the history curse them because they gangs and history wont forget and we wont forget what Zionists done.....
(Sheikh and huasa villages massacre):
december 1947/bomb kills Dozens of palstnian in morning then in night the zionists attack the villages and kill about 30 people mostly womens and kids while they sleeping in there homes.(Sasa village massacre):
February 1948/balmaj zionsist gang attack the village and Demolish the houses on the people kills60 mostly womens and childs and isrealian descripe this crime as perfect mission later.(Rehovot massacre):
February 1948/zionists gangs blasting trin kills 27 and 36 wounded.
(Kfar Hussienieh massacre):
mars 1948/ zionists gang hajanah attack the village and destroy it and kills 30 people.(Beniamenah massacre):
mars 1948/theres 2 massacre her first one is blasting train kills 24 and over 60 woundeds,and the other massacre after 2 days blasting another train kills more than 40 and 70 woundeds.
(Deir Yassin massacre):
april 1948/huge massacre done by argon and stern with knowldge and help from hajanah tehy attack the vilalge kills 260 innocent people men womens childs all and they make horrible crimes and torture and mutilations, slaughting of pregnant women and betting on the type of embryos,The Zionist military organizations prevented the Red Cross envoy Jacques de Rainier from entering the village for more than a day,The varied reactions to the various Zionist organizations after the massacre, Menachem Beijing has sent a congratulatory telegram to Ra'anan argon local commander said:Congratulations to you for this great victory, they say to the soldiers who made history in Israel. "In his book entitled Revolution Books Beijing says:The Deir Yassin massacre contributed with other massacres in other emptied the country of 650 thousand Arabs. "He added:"without Deir Yassin, theres no israel.the Labor Zionist Meir headed in the seventies that the Deir Yassin massacre was part of a general outline agreed upon by all the Zionist organizations in March 1948, known as the «plan d», and was aimed at expelling the Palestinians from Arab towns and villages such as the withdrawal of British forces, through destruction The killings and creating an atmosphere of terror and panic among the Palestinian population, which leads them to flee their homes.
(Nasser Eddin massacre):
april 1948/the zionists wears arabian dressed and enter the village opening fire killing all in the village almost few hundreds die's in this massacre and after all that killing they destroy all houses in the village.
(Levinsky hill massacre):
april 1948/Zionism gang attacks ex camp for british army were palstnian lives there killing almost 90 person all womens and old mens and childs.
(Haifa massacre):
april 1948/Zionist settlers attacked the city of Haifa in the middle of the night and they have occupied and killed a large number of people, rushed unarmed Palestinian Arabs fled to the rest through the port city,Followed by the zionists and opened fire on them, and the outcome of this massacre, more than 200 Dead and 100 Wounded.
(Beit Daras massacre):
may 1948/Besiege Zionist terrorists village of Beit Daras, which lies north-east of Gaza City and called on Palestinian citizens to leave the village safely from the southern side,The fire quickly took the terrorists unarmed villagers, including women, children and elderly people while they were leaving the village in accordance with the instructions of the blockade,and that leaves hundreds of dead and wounded people.
(Lod massacre):
july 1948/The process of Lod famouse massacre carried out by forces Albalmaj. The operation took place, a campaign known as Danny, to extinguish the Arab revolution in July 1948 against the israelian occupation,Have been instructed to shoot anyone seen in the street, and Albalmaj soldiers opened heavy guns fire on all pedestrians, and they managed to extinguish the brutality of this disobedience in a few hours, and started moving from house to house, shooting at any moving target,The Arabs corpses scattered, men and women, even children's corpses in the streets in the aftermath of the attack,many hundreds dies in this massacre israelians themself say its more than 300 dead. Kenneth bilbie, the correspondent of the newspaper Herald Tribune say the number of dead's is 5 or 6 times more than israelian says that means more than 1500 or more dead all civilians.
(Aldoaimh Massacre):
October 1948/89 Battalion attacked the Commission of the Organization of Yahya the village,Zionist settlers had searched the houses one by one and killed all of them they found a man, woman or child,But the most egregious facts had killed 75 very elderly men's who fled to a mosque in the village, the next morning and the extermination of 35 Palestinian family were in a cave has been reaped fire machine guns. While infiltration of some residents to their homes to go second with food and clothing have been catching and extermination and blow up a number of houses, including whom in it. The Zionists keen to collect corpses and dropped into the village well to conceal the horror of carnage that has not been disclosed details and broadcast only when the newspaper published an investigation by the Israeli Hdashut and the result of this massacre was hundred of dead alsomany hundred all the village residents.
(Azores massacre):
December 1948/zionsts gangs attacks the village while people sleep and demolish and burn the houses while people in it cost doznes deads while they sleep,and Did not reveal the details of the massacre only in 1981.
(Sharafat massacre):
February 1951/zionsts gangs attacks the village and kill all there and all was kids and womens and so old mens in the village cuasing dozens of dead.
(Bethlehem massacre):
January 1952/On the night of the chirstmas, peace be upon him to the Eastern Christian denominations,zionsts gangs attack people killing dozens of them while they celebrate that holly night for them in there houses in night.
(flma village massacre):
january 1953/zionsts gangs demolish the village all over leaving all village people dead in there homes,dozens die's there also.
(Bureij refugee camp massacre):
augest 1953/isrealian army forces attacks the camp killing hundreds and 60 wounded.
(Qalqilya massacre):
october 1953/detachment from the Israeli army estimated infantry battalion and a battalion tank supported field artillery battalions and about ten fighter aircraft,and when the residents of the village resist that attack the aircraft bomb them and the zionsts kill them with no mercy and destroy the village leaving hundred or dozens of hundreds dead and hundreds wounded.
(Qibya massacre):
october 1953/600 slodir from the israelian army attack the village shooting everyone there no diffrance betwen womens or kids or animales even and bombing all house of the village by dynamite killing hundreds of people and destroying all village houses and make the village like there was never one there.
(Mkhalin massacre):
mars 1954/zionsts attacks the village putting mines in the roads of the village and killing anyone they saw causing dozens of dead.
(Dir Ayub massacre):
november 1954/3 kids 8 years old and 12 years old was walking out of there village when they saw the israelians one girl of them run but israelian soliders shoot her and killed her and took the other 2 kids and shoot them and go while some witnsses saw that.
(gaza first massacre):
February 1955/in that time gaza strip was under egyptian controll and administration and there was borders and wiers betwen gaza and the rest of occupid palstine but israelian forces pass that wiers and start attack the egyptian forces there and the innocent people making massacre for all and putting mines there also to kill anyone pass in those roads and after hours killing people they leave after they killed dozen of hundreds of both civilians and egyptian forces.
(gaza second massacre):
april 1956/israelian artillery bomb gaza killing more than 60 person and more than 100.
(khan younis massacre):
may and september 1955/2 massacre happins in this city just few months away of each other,first massacre was when aircrafts attacks the city in night and bomb people houses causing dozens of deads and dozens of wounded.second massacre was when israelian tanks and forces and artillery attacks the city and left more than 100 dead and same wounded.
(rahoua massacre):
septmber 1956/zionsts forces attacks the village and destroy the village police stiation and the village school and bomb them killing dozens of people.
(kafr qasem massacre):
october 1956/israelian soldirs shoots workers whom was going back ther homes after work day killing 20 women and more than 30 man.
(khan younis third massacre):
november 1956/The massacre occurred during the occupation of the Zionist army in the town of Khan Younis and they start shoot people in the city and the neer refuge camp killing more than 400 people with cold blood .even israelian news papers say they were laughing while shooting people whole familys been killd in this massacre.

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