Sunday, October 7, 2007

6 october

in this day the 6 of october 34 years ago what happin was unbelivable thing for all egyptian
in this day the egyptian army start the war against isrealian army to free our land that been occupied since 1967 and now its our day to free our land from the invader isrealians
isreal attackes egypt among few other countrys in 1967 and occupied the northen east part of egypt it called sinai.betwen sinai and the rest of egypt is suez canal so after isreal occupied it it start to bulid the greatest and biggest and most fortificated line on the coast of the canal so that the egyptian cant pass it this idea was famous in wars before like what france did in world war when they built magnou line.and isreal do the same and build barlefe line against egyptian the millitry experts says in all arouand the world that even atomic boombs can defete that line so theres no hope for egyptian to pass there and free sinai.but no one know the egyptian since thae start of the age 37or38 invaders try occupied egypt and all faild coz always egypt a grave to all all isrealians got so arrogant becuase there defnse line that no one can pass it even by atomic same time was the egyptian works so hard and in silent .after few years from preparing and trining was every thing complet all is ready for freedoom war to free our lands.was such great plane all the world got surprise of it all was think egypt is finished and cant war again and even if egyptians trys they well get horrible defeate but the amazing that the egyptian succes in trick isreal and her ally U.S.A and the rest of the world in the 6 of october in 2 afternoon the war start without anyone feel.all in same time thousand of egyptian solders start across the canal on rubbery boats same time fighting planes attacke isrealian while big guns tears down the isrealian and egyptian divers deep in the canal to block the napalm pipes coz isrealian full the canal of napalm pipes so they can burn it if anyone want pass but the divers block it all.everyone says how this crazy egyptian well pass the barlefe defense line .well and some say why even atomic boomb cant destroy the line .?the answer that isrealian after they build it very fortificated and putt huge and big dust and sands on it so that even atomic cant beat sand and what well the egyptian do to beat the sand and dust line hmmmmm after the solders across the canal in there boats and when the reach there here the surprise the start beat the line by water. huge water pumps make the line collapse in few hours .and after 6 hourse was 80.000 thousand egyptian solder in the other side giving the isrealian leason they well never forget.

to all the brave solders who fight and sacrfise there souls for there country who give his blood and flesh on the sand of sinai to free it with every drop of there bloods that irrigate the pure land of sinai.we well never forget u heros never and forever u in our hearts without what u done we wasent like that now.ur heroisms the history well stay tell it forever and we well always say it and tell it .in commemoration of all egyptian lions solders who give all and everything for us.salute to u all iwish iwas with u there fighting and dieng for the sake of my country.iwish i accompany u in god heavens u in now.salute to whom plans all that and amazed all the world salute to u my egypt salute to ur sons who give all expinsive and cheap for ur sake.and well stay always egypt is a grave to the invaders.
by ur sons soul and blood always and forever u well be save egypt from all and anyone have greed in u allah protect u egypt and protect ur sons who well be always for u whatever what
prophet muhammed(pbuh)say whenever u get egypt take allot and many solder from egyptian becuase they r best solders over earth.
crazy hitler says give me russian weapons and german mind and egyptian solders and iwell occupoied the whole world.
thanks allah the great and almighty that u create us muslims and egyptian
u well stay forever grave for invaders my egypt by ur sons
im one of ur sons who dosent want be from another place coz im crazy in ur love my egypt
im muslim and egyptian and iwell stay like this till i die for ur sake
(egypt the grave of invaders(and there ruins well stay forever witness on that

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