Sunday, October 7, 2007

U.S.A the great empire2

when u.s.a declare there country and start the united states.ofcourse like all knows they sell most of the states from other countrys like france nethrlands russia.....and take the lands that under native american by force by killing them and erease them from there mother lands whole native tribe annihilate by americans.the oregnal people anihilate by the occupitipn people who comes from eroupe.and thats was the start of all states on the native americans bodys and take there lands there bafflos there planets everything.and who still from the native they imgrate them from there place to another far place so far hundred or thousand of miles away.and that was first step in building the great the roll on who hmmmmmmmmm slaves blacks its not just roll its something all humanity must be ashame of it tills the end of humanity.innocent people god create them black poor in there lands betwen jungles dosent know much about world but now the ships come ships of the white man with guns things they never saw and white man take thosand of those poor blacks he lead them like monkys without any mercy tobe slaves.servant for the white man yeh those savage barbarian people must be slaves for the intellgant handsome educated white man so he can raise there standerd to the world .why for god sake who say that to take innocent and take them away of there people and there land and make them slaves who say that in what law in the eropuan white man law.thousand of black's toke to america and be slaves first was native americans then now africans those was the first vectimes of the the first of this century u.s.a is riasing as big world power after the new staes join they take new mexico and california from mexico and many other states they take it from there oregnaly countrys.and try lead other countrys to get there freedom from the spanish occupition not for the sake of freedoom but for the sake of u.s intrest and that shows later of what u.s do with all this countrys.we jump into the world war 2 when japan attackes u.s.a what happin something only we can say about it its so mean when u.s.a arrest all americans whom oregnaly from japan or there roots from there even they was already american citzens but they arrest them.and ofcourse how u.s.a finish the war by the crime of the century when u.s.a boomb heroshema and najazake by atomic boombs with no mercy or or any morales hundred of thosnad dies and millions got effected coz the 2 boombs ereased 2 citys from the map with there people womens men old young babys even animals and plants.what mercyless.and the istory well always say the barbrian of modern age who use that weapon against innocent.and after this war and world war finish and u.s.a is walking as the biggest winner coz the war was already away of the american lands so she didnt lose anything actually she won everything eroupe now like the old sick man the old empires is gone and all now is under u.s.a u.s.a assign herslf as the cop of the world and start interver in all countrys 50's u.s.a interver in the korean war in same time when the cubian revlution win and ofcourse it was comunest she make siege on it .and now its turn to asian country veitnam american war there cost 50-70 thousand dead solder from the american side and more than 2 millions of vietnames villeger and innocent people.after the humiliting deafet did u.s.a stop now she continue interver in others mattre in same time what was the situation inside the u.s.a comunity was the racesim in highest level against black's and other races but was spicaly for black people places only for white people no black is allowed to enter there and in universty and clubs even in bus only few seats is allowed to black allot of blacks get killed but they dont arrest anyone of the crime why coz the black was not human for them oh god .and the other races laten mexicans asian all is citzens from the second deagre.thats was the great empire u.s.a treats people back again to intevering mattres.u.s.a when start was famous sentince expressing about there is the land of freedoom and opertunity lets look at freedoom word they say they want lead all the world to freedoom in latin america u.s.a support all dectatoric systems even against there people all there care that they be loyl to the u.s.a nomattre what the do or what crimes the commet in chile u.s.a support augesto benoshea system against the chilian people and they blind of all his crimes killing thousand and arrest more.and noreaga and fugemore in peru and all dectatork systems arouand the world u.s.a support it always and when people cant stand it it be first one who reject it.after the soviet union collapse u.s.a start her unlimited arrogance now no power in the world can stood infront of her.she keep interver all arouand the earth lebnon in 1982. cuba.necaraga.philipin .west place was save from the u.s.a intervering in 90's u.s.a boombed sudan and afganstan by planes after 9/11 u.s.a gone mad attacks afganstan and ocuppid it and arrest thousand and presion them in juantanamo without any accustion and is that was enough to her no she start provoke iraq and accuse it that he own messdestraction weapons and attacke it and occupie it and kill thouasand and ruined the country and plunder all there treasures and wars always bad things happin but not like what american solders done in iraq example few solders attackes innocent iraqy house killed the man and his wife and there baby 6 years old girl and rape the older daughter she was only 14 after they rape her they burn her body till death and allot of this kind of things like abu ghareeb presion and what happin there .is all that was enough to the u.s.a no nothing always enough she start threat iran syria and want attacke themoh god what well be enough to u.s.a what well be enoug?????????so thats the great empire that rise on others body corpsethats the greatest empire the U.S.A

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