Tuesday, October 2, 2007

U.S.A the great empire

Christopher Columbus.who discoverd the new lands like they say he discover america.in 1492.he wasent the first man to go there the vaiking reach there but columbus whos make relaitions betwen america and the other continents.the native americans was the oregnal people there they lived there for 8000 year before the christ.and columbus find them there.at the first no much care the world gives to the new land the spanish wasent care allot about it they saw in it just land with barbarian people living there.this time was the gold age for the church in eroupe the church rolld all the countrys with the powers of the religious church all kings and princes obey and after they discoverd the native americans ofcourse the church find them idolaters and that wasent accepted in this time so they start convert them by force or burn who dont convert.but also the spanish didnt care much about the new land they didnt build citys or try make community there just some spanish fishers was there.but in the 16century the britch succes and build first city there.after columbus discover america the eroupians go there from spain and england.spanish settle in middle and south and the britch in the north.and then the spanish discoverd the gold in the south and that news go to eroupe and that makes more eroupian to go the america.and the britch start search of the gold too but they dint find gold in the north but they find tobacco.indian americans smoke the tobacco for hundred of years and when the britch find it and the smoking start to spread in all eroupe and that give them allot of money and life start grow in this moment they need more workers more labores where can they get oh the blacks from africa.so they send there ships to costs of africa to get the the slaves the biggest crime in history.in the 17 century start problims betwen britch government and the people of america after the famouse incdent in boston when the britch solders killed many of american militias.then the revolution starts and the fight start betwen americans and britch.or like they call it independence war.in 1776 they declare the independent of britaniaand creating the united states of america.in 1781 the americans won the war in yorktown battle.and in 1783 both parts sign versay treatment and that was the declaring of the end of the american revlouation.and after 3 years all stats envoys sign on the constituation agrement for the all countrys.

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