Sunday, October 14, 2007

im terrorist

one day iface my reallity he say im terrorist and start shout allot of insults ididnt listeen much coz my mind go in another space.istart ask my self why im terrorist?what make me like this?
and then iknowt why and what reasons lead me to be like that
first coz im muslim and now islam and muslims is the terrorism and terrorist for all world
the denger who all there affried of coz islam against there life style against all of what they do against jungle law they live by against adorn and sex without marrieg and they cant live without cheating and have sex with anyone they catch coz islam against drinking and harming our bodys and souls by alcoholl and all this things.
im terrorist coz im religous and ipractice my religon when i rise my beard then im terrorist
when icover or have muslim girl wearing hijab and not shows her body then im terrorist
when ikneel and bow only for god(allah)then im terrorist coz inever kneel or bow to there idles
when idont drink im terrorist when ikeep my virginty till igot married then im terrorist when ilearn my religon then im terrorist when iteach my religon then im terrorist when irepete verses of my holly book(quran )then im terrorist if isay ihave my religon morales and tredations then im terrorist if iwant stay away of what they do then im terrorist.when ipray in mousqe im terrorist.when ifast ibe terrorist when igo my holly lands i be terrorist when istand to defend my belifes ibe terrorist when istop them of mocking my religon and belifes then im terrorist.
when ilove my country then im terrorist.when iwant her become better and better then im terrorist.when idont accept injustice then im terrorist when ihate dictatorian then im terrorist when iwant all equal then im terrorist when iwant justice then im terrorist when iwant my human rights then im terrorist when iwant to live like all humans then im terrorist when iwant rise my family on my morales then im terrorist when irefused the wrong then im terrorist when italk and demand my rights my simple rights then im terrorist.
if my country occupied and ifight to free her then im terrorist if i blow my self in whom occupied my land then im terrorist if ikilled the invaders ibe terrorist if igain money to help who fight to free our land ibe terrorist if ididnt accept humiliting and ignominy from invaders then im terrorist if want my land free then im terrorist if iprotect the peace by the force then im terrorist if imake my own rules for peace then im terrorist if ididnt surrender to them then im terrorist .if ididnt obey them then im terrorist. if ididnt kneel and bow to them then im terrorist.if ididnt give them my back to kick then im terrorist.if ididnt suck and lick the dirts they through then im terrorist.if ididnt thank for there kinds of making us from the first world then im terrorist.if ihate there policy then im terrorist.if isay and wespire to myself that iwish new free world then im terrorist.if and if and if then im the terrorist if isay no and refused there will then im terrorist.if idont want them controll me then im terrorist .if idont want them paint my life with there colors then im terrorist .if iwant wear my own clothes not there styles then im terrorist.if idont want them make my heart stoned then im terrorist if idont want live with there jungles law and say no then im terrorist but iwell always say no and no one or even all world armys well stop me from saying no even if all leaves me and istand alone iwell keep say no if they shoot me by thousand built iwell keep say no if they through me from the highest mountin iwell say no if the putt me in deepest ocean iwell say no if they cut me thousand piece ever piece of me well say thousand for there for there for there powers no for there for there for surrender no for there policy no for there double standerd dealing with for there for there for there weapons no no no and million no im not affried of u and iwell not be(god(allah) promise us by victory and u promise us by defeat and iwait tillwe see who well win)so heres my reason to be terrorist so im proudly ideclare im terrorist and im happy to be that terrorist if who do that in there eyes is terrorist then im born to be terrorist and iwell die terrorist if thats the price for my love to my religion and country so im happly pay it anmd ready to pay much much more if some is ready to give every cheap and expinsive to there lovers then its so cheap if igive my own soul and blood to the biggest love over earth to my god and my religion and my contryso that price so cheap and anything else for anyone is expinsivecoz that im me declare in my full mental strength that im terrorist so terrorist terrorist forever till the terrorist .me is terrorist.terrorist is me im so much allot many ttteeerrrrrrooorrriiisssttt im terrorist and iwell be and istay and iwas terrorist and always say no whatever happin well say no and istay terrorist as im and maybe iwell developed it to be more terrorist and to say more noooooooooooo whoever stand in my face.for u bush isay no for u blair isay no.for u olmart isay no.for u rice isay no.for u cheney isay no.for u united states of america isay no.for u united kingdoom isay no.for u isreal isay for ur policy for ur greedy for ur armys no for everything is terrorist and istay always say noooo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it is quite true that there seems to be a trend mainly amongst the media, governments and certain sections of the public to use the word, 'terrorist', as their weapon of war against anyone or anything that they do not agree with or which or who does not fit into their own world view. Apart from Muslims, there is now a growing tendency both in the USA and in Britain to refer to certain individuals and groups as 'terrorists' just because they hold ethical oppositions to the practices of certain governments, industries and institutions. 'Eco-terrorists' is another word used against those people who are engaged in campaigns to oppose the ruthless destruction of the environment. Quite ridiculous as it is the people who are destroying the environment who are the real terrorists in this issue. While we live in a world which is based upon profit and has absolutely no regard for the sanctity of life, whether human, animal or environmental nor any respect for a greater authority, i.e. God, then those people who aim to live by different principles, ethics and beliefs and who are prepared to defend those principles, ethics and beliefs will be targeted as an 'enemy' and will be regarded as an obstacle which is in the way and has to be removed. We only have to look at the attitudes of certain states and their actions when it comes to opposing ideals which might stand in the way of their view of 'advancing progress or democracy'. The latest hysteria concerning Iran and her development of nuclear technology has seen the western media calling the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a "Mad fundamentalist ready to turn the world into a nuclear waste-land!" Yet, who was the first country to use nuclear weapons on another nation? Who used their own military service personnel in nuclear and biological weapons testing? Who sold the biological weapons to Iraq to use against Iranian soldiers and civilians during the Iran/Iraq war? Who used uranium-tipped weapons in both Lebanon and Iraq? Look at the situation in Iraq now. Who has turned this country into a place of terror for its own people? This country which was once the Cradle of Civilisation has now become the Grave of Civilisation. Who has terrorised this nation into the ground? Is it the same people who terrorised the Native Americans when they first invaded their lands and made them into a grave for their civilisation and culture? So, if being called a 'terrorist' by certain states, governments, industries and institutions…or for that matter those individuals who fall for everything they are told to believe…just because some of us question or oppose what we feel is fundamentally wrong in this world, then maybe the word 'terrorist' is something more of us should be proud to be called!