Monday, January 19, 2009


the writer is dr/ilan pappe is israelian Lecturer at the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Haifa,and the universty fired him for his opinion and studies of teh israelain genocide there and to show the truth of what israel do there since 1948.
the ethnic disinfection is crime bunch of criminals do it since 1948,the leaders of the zionsts movment become the israelian government and made the crimes against the palstnian people.and teh crime was genocide was ethnic disinfection,the ethnic disinfection not unofficaly expression but its accusation contains political and morality and legality full deep bases.israel aim was so clear in the year 1948 was direct in (dalt)plan that Adopted by the top leadership of the Organization of the Haganah(the Clandestine Jewish organization in the pre-State of Israel)in 1948 the goal was to occupied as much lands from teh palstnian lands and remove and erase as much alstnian vilalges and arabian districts from the future of the excpected jewish country,Implementation was more systematic and comprehensive than the plan,In a period of not more than seven months, destroyed 531 villages and emptied eleven civilians gathering Residential,The mass expulsion was accompanied by massacres, rape and imprisonment of men(they imprisonment men from age 10 to older)In labor camps for periods more than year,,,More specifically, the policy of ethnic cleansing as defined by the United Nations Aimed at turning the region inhabited by mixed ethnic groups to area is characterized by ethnic purity,Where all means are justified to achieve that, and the international law Classified ,this policy as a crime against humanity,and all the facts shows that israel is the only Responsible for creating the Palestinian refugee problem,And that they alone would bear legal responsibility and moral problem for those without other,The reports on the legal meaning that even in the case of the demise of /"after such a long period/Most of those who have committed acts that could be described as crimes against humanity,The act itself is still crime and no one take the punishment of commiting it,and of the morality facts its clear that the jewish country born by sin,But the sin or crime is still under cover of denial and denial,some Israeli circles admitt they are the worest but they in same time justified it because they do that against palstnian so its ok wherever ther are.The Israeli political elite has ignored all such evidencea nd all that they do from killing and destroying,Instead, it drew a different lesson since 1948 that:Israel as a state that could The expulsion of half the population and kill then and to destruction a half of their villages and out of this without any criticism or indecent,The results of that lesson was imperative to continue the policy of ethnic cleansing by other means,like The expulsion of dozens of villages and kill thousnad of civilians,And forcing 300 thousand Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, forced to leave, and the Greater Jerusalem area is regulated, but is continuing.and since the israelian crimes stay then There will not be any solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.First, of course, we would not expect much to happen as long as the current phase of the brutal occupation of palstine and the West Bank and Gaza Strip are continuing beside the legal resistance from the palstnian.The positive development of the option of boycotting Israel and the withdrawal of investment and the imposition of sanctions in place as a core strategy forward and adopted by the civil society in the occupied areas, as well as the World Solidarity Movement,Efforts must continue to develop the process of ethnic cleansing since 1948 at the center of the world's attention and consciousness.and we must all demand that history write the truth of what israel do from genocides and ethnic cleansing since1948 from all that,and to stop all the crimes that israel still do before its to late.
thAts considerd testimony from israelian themself and he is fair one and they fire him and fight him for his opinion even he didnt mention all truth and all the crimes and mascares that israel keep do but best testimony when it come from there sideslet the whole world know the truththe truth of the GENOCIDE the truth of the reall HOLOCAUSTthe truth of BLOODY ISRAEL

Sunday, January 18, 2009

1000 SOUL

they kill you my son.they kill you my eyes.kill you mercless.kill you with cold hand.and devilish smile on there faces.they take your pure soul.and take my soul with it.ibeg them no icry for them no.iscreem no and no and thousand no.take all my money.take all i own.take my soul.but leave me my baby soul.when you kill my dearm why.should ilive for just nothing.when you take my eyes ligth. why should isee heart pulse vines are head is raging.saking to sacrfise for you my mean the wrold to mean the life to mean everything and anything for me.kill me but not him.tear me but not him.slight me but not him.burn me with your hate fire but not him.not him not him and thousand not him.they kill you infront my eyes and couldnt say no.they kill you infront my heart and he couldnt figth for you.they kill you infront my soul and couldnt give it to you more.they take your soul from me.but your soul all aroaund every flower the every smile from pure angels as every breath ibreath every drink idrink every ray fall on me. you my world light one can take my ray beacause you buired in my soul.they take your soul and every other soul.and iwish ihave thousand give you soul after soul.after soul after soul. after soul after soul.after soul after soul.after soul afrer soul.after soul after soul.and forever give you my soul.and all my thousand soul.(for the angels killed in gaza)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


this is ex israelian solider testimonythe soldier name is meir hartzion and its wrote in his dairiesand it show allot of whom is israelian and what they do in past and now,this testimony not about what happines in gaza now its about mascares happin before years ago,show that through there history never change and will never change ,even monsters have mercy more than them,(1).....ikilled betwen 80 to 100 palstnian all womens and childs.we killed the childs by smash there small heads by sticks,therwhere no single house without dead bodys.we forced the men and womens to stay at there homes,then the soldiers came to below the homes by dynamite on there heads,our leader order one of us to bring 2 womens to the house so we do them.another soldiers was so proude he rape palstnian women before he shoot her and kill her.the soldiers bring palstnian women with her baby that just born to clean teh place for tow days without rest then they shoot her and her baby with much fun...our leaders is best men most educted they rolled the fight with great convince in the fight for expulsion and the genocide beliving that where there was less arabs that would be the best for israel.(2).........we have orders to attack the palstnian refuges,we split to 3 groupes,each one have four soldiers,isaw palstnian standing down the slope of the friend jubeili told me prepare ur knief,we crawl towardes him he was whisping arabian tone,jubeili jump on him and catch him while istab him in his back icouldnt face him so ihad to stab him in the back,isaw the blood on his striped shirt and without wasting time wildly keep stab him and stab him till he fall in his blood dead.years after the soldier publish his diries reporter asked him if he feel any kind of twinge of conscience for what he done,he said (absolutely not stabing the arabs by knief is amazing thing makes you feel that you are real man.....)after this short testimony no need to any comment, whats happin in past happin today and will happin tomorrow.this testimony is presented to the world conscience if the world have something called conscience,my only qustion is did anyone ever saw monsters like that or any best in wild live?(GOD REST YOUR SOUL WORLD CONSCIENCE)


A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques
and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go downIn Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques
and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go downIn Gaza tonigh

Monday, January 12, 2009


So once again, Israel has opened the gates of hell to the Palestinians. Forty civilian refugees dead in a United Nations school, three more in another. Not bad for a night's work in Gaza by the army that believes in "purity of arms". But why should we be surprised?
Have we forgotten the 17,500 dead – almost all civilians, most of them children and women – in Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon; the 1,700 Palestinian civilian dead in the Sabra-Chatila massacre; the 1996 Qana massacre of 106 Lebanese civilian refugees, more than half of them children, at a UN base; the massacre of the Marwahin refugees who were ordered from their homes by the Israelis in 2006 then slaughtered by an Israeli helicopter crew; the 1,000 dead of that same 2006 bombardment and Lebanese invasion, almost all of them civilians?
What is amazing is that so many Western leaders, so many presidents and prime ministers and, I fear, so many editors and journalists, bought the old lie; that Israelis take such great care to avoid civilian casualties. "Israel makes every possible effort to avoid civilian casualties," yet another Israeli ambassador said only hours before the Gaza massacre. And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands. Had George Bush had the courage to demand an immediate ceasefire 48 hours earlier, those 40 civilians, the old and the women and children, would be alive.
What happened was not just shameful. It was a disgrace. Would war crime be too strong a description? For that is what we would call this atrocity if it had been committed by Hamas. So a war crime, I'm afraid, it was. After covering so many mass murders by the armies of the Middle East – by Syrian troops, by Iraqi troops, by Iranian troops, by Israeli troops – I suppose cynicism should be my reaction. But Israel claims it is fighting our war against "international terror". The Israelis claim they are fighting in Gaza for us, for our Western ideals, for our security, for our safety, by our standards. And so we are also complicit in the savagery now being visited upon Gaza.
I've reported the excuses the Israeli army has served up in the past for these outrages. Since they may well be reheated in the coming hours, here are some of them: that the Palestinians killed their own refugees, that the Palestinians dug up bodies from cemeteries and planted them in the ruins, that ultimately the Palestinians are to blame because they supported an armed faction, or because armed Palestinians deliberately used the innocent refugees as cover.
The Sabra and Chatila massacre was committed by Israel's right-wing Lebanese Phalangist allies while Israeli troops, as Israel's own commission of inquiry revealed, watched for 48 hours and did nothing. When Israel was blamed, Menachem Begin's government accused the world of a blood libel. After Israeli artillery had fired shells into the UN base at Qana in 1996, the Israelis claimed that Hizbollah gunmen were also sheltering in the base. It was a lie. The more than 1,000 dead of 2006 – a war started when Hizbollah captured two Israeli soldiers on the border – were simply dismissed as the responsibility of the Hizbollah. Israel claimed the bodies of children killed in a second Qana massacre may have been taken from a graveyard. It was another lie. The Marwahin massacre was never excused. The people of the village were ordered to flee, obeyed Israeli orders and were then attacked by an Israeli gunship. The refugees took their children and stood them around the truck in which they were travelling so that Israeli pilots would see they were innocents. Then the Israeli helicopter mowed them down at close range. Only two survived, by playing dead. Israel didn't even apologise.
Twelve years earlier, another Israeli helicopter attacked an ambulance carrying civilians from a neighbouring village – again after they were ordered to leave by Israel – and killed three children and two women. The Israelis claimed that a Hizbollah fighter was in the ambulance. It was untrue. I covered all these atrocities, I investigated them all, talked to the survivors. So did a number of my colleagues. Our fate, of course, was that most slanderous of libels: we were accused of being anti-Semitic.
And I write the following without the slightest doubt: we'll hear all these scandalous fabrications again. We'll have the Hamas-to-blame lie – heaven knows, there is enough to blame them for without adding this crime – and we may well have the bodies-from-the-cemetery lie and we'll almost certainly have the Hamas-was-in-the-UN-school lie and we will very definitely have the anti-Semitism lie. And our leaders will huff and puff and remind the world that Hamas originally broke the ceasefire. It didn't. Israel broke it, first on 4 November when its bombardment killed six Palestinians in Gaza and again on 17 November when another bombardment killed four more Palestinians.
Yes, Israelis deserve security. Twenty Israelis dead in 10 years around Gaza is a grim figure indeed. But 600 Palestinians dead in just over a week, thousands over the years since 1948 – when the Israeli massacre at Deir Yassin helped to kick-start the flight of Palestinians from that part of Palestine that was to become Israel – is on a quite different scale. This recalls not a normal Middle East bloodletting but an atrocity on the level of the Balkan wars of the 1990s. And of course, when an Arab bestirs himself with unrestrained fury and takes out his incendiary, blind anger on the West, we will say it has nothing to do with us. Why do they hate us, we will ask? But let us not say we do not know the answer

Friday, January 9, 2009


dont cry mom dont
im not dead mom im not.dont cry mom when you see my blood.dont cry mom when you see me pieces.dont cry mom when you see them kill me.beacause im not dead mom im killer thirsty for my blood.he killed me while iplay mom,while ising mom do you want know my song,moon fly in his sky,and the stars tells,tells to our beautifull country,in her eyes tearsssssssssss,iwant to wipe iwant to wipe it, the land we irrigate it with, your blood martyer,to our beautifull im baby but not as all babys,im baby born on sound of baby born on the screems of baby but not like all babys.why mom why ?why not all world babys,because u baby from gaza and u gaza baby,thats why my baby because ur name gaza,mom ifeel cold mom hold me dont let me,dont let world touch me and you must protect me.they killed me mom in my way for school,holding my books mom and my pencel,now its broken my pencel and cant write again,my blood on my books on my small bag,no one can use them again,iwnated show u what idraw mom,idraw white dove holding olive branch mom,but now my dove not white mom its red,my dove is red from my blood mom.but dont cry mom.our country land thirsty for her babys blood .will give her my blood.and im not dead mom im not live mom and my killer whom live mom now in heaven.flying with wings silver killer his bulits cut my parts. but now ihave wings silver dont cry not dead not dead.dont cry mom when you see my blood.dont cry mom when you see me pieces.dont cry mom when you see them kill me.beacause im not dead mom im not.(for the kids of gaza whom been killed on the hands of the new barbrians in this world the israelians,my soul for you my gazian babys)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


in the early morning of the 5th of june1967 israel attacks many arabian countrys egypt,syria.jordan,and the rest of palstine,manewhile was the american ship libert beside the coast of ivorycoast and so soon teh orders came to teh ship to go ahead in the mediterranean sea infront of the eastnorth coast of egypt direct infront of arish city,to do spy missions and capture the wireless messaging and provide reporst about the war to the u.s.a leadership,while the ameican liberty ship resting infront of arish city the israelian airplanes fly on low level over the ship even the pilot said he can see the ranks over the ship and they wave to each other,and that all israelian airplanes do the same as knwon that is u.s ship coming to aid for israel when needed and that u.s and israel exchange all information so infact that ship was from the biggest ally to israel and will never work against them and all israelians knwo taht from the biggest leaders to the smalliest soliders and tahst proofed by lets go to israelain army after his attack on egypt he caputre allot of egyptian soliders and take them as war presioners but the israelian criminals start to kill the egyptian war presioners in massmurders and in groupes by tieng them and make tanks pass on there bodys or blindfoold them and start shoot at them while more than 60 war presioner stand in mosque wall,and allot of taht war crimes ,and since the american ship lebrity was almost on arish beach the sailors and the stuff on teh ship eyeswitness this crimes and massacre,and also beacuse the ship was spyin ship and prepared with all the technology equipment to catch all wireless messages and calls betwen israelian army leaders and officers and they catch all the orders for the massacre so they r the witness of israel in the afternoon of the 8th of june Israeli warplanes and navy torpedoes bombed the liberty ship killing more than 30 of her crew and injured the rest.and what happin that israel claim they thought the ship is enemy ofcourse as big lie coz years later new information come from u.s saying taht in same time there was american spying airplane witness on all taht and saw taht israelians know its american ship.and also same time the american president lyndon johnson orderd to sink the rest of the ship and order who survive from the ship crew by silent only few years ago some secrets revales of that we can see obviously what is israel and whom is the israelian even with there best mom u.s.a and her best ever ally,the israelian didnt hesitate or shy or shame from bombing there ally ship to cover trace of there masacre they do to egyptian war presioners and teh biggets shame is the american government there and how they help to cover the israelian bloody ahnd even taht was against americans themself,and taht show how the american presidents and governments work against there people for the sake of israeland from israel leaders who kill the egyptian war presioners is shimon peres the israelian president now,and ehud barak the defense minster now and Binyamin Ben-Eliezer,and the assassin aril sharon,and allot more,p.s for more info about the bombing of teh liberty ship theres book called(Body of Secrets: How America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ Eavensdrop on the World)for james bamford