Sunday, July 12, 2009


the christianty religion enter egypt in the year 65 A.D, years after that roman empire came and invade egypt and they was christian also but start to persecute the egyptian christian just because the egyptian was orthodox and the roman was catholic,killing persecuting torturing depriving from practecing the religion and much more,even in the age of the emperor diocletian they call it the age of martyers in the end of the third century,this diocletian start his persecuting by burning the bibles and demolish the egyptian churches,forbbid any gathring or religious events for the egyptian christians or even prayers,and then taking allot of the egyptian as slaves,and because of the thousand of the egyptian christian been killed in this age they call it martyers age.and because all this persecuting it resualt the christian to go to desert and build monasteries and went to friary and monasticisms life.
the war in the arabian area start betwen the muslims and the roman spicaly in palstine and syria,and the muslims achieve smashing vactories in every battle against the roman empire,and this forced all the roman armies to regret to egypt and gatherd there,so the muslims enter egypt in year 641 A.D also defeat them crushing defeat and muslims spread there controll all over egypt,in this time egypt was having christian ruler or governor beside the roman governor,his mission almost was the religious stuff,they call him king of coptic(coptic is the name of the egyptian christians)his name was muqawqis.
the coptic egyptian find the muslim is the shelter from the persecuting of the roman,and muslim never let them down,first thing (amr bin alaas)the muslim leader for the islamic army bring back the batrerg benjamin as the christian coptic pope after he was run away in the desert from the roman,then keept al-muqawqis as governor and even a man to take his advises when it comes to the christian mattres,take a covenant betwen the muslim and the egyptian christians that no harm will happin to them, there houses will be safe,there land,there lives,there money,freedom of worshiping as they want,also muslims start to establish real country for all,paving the roads,dig a tunnle betwen redsea and midtrenian sea,simple example as suze canal now,and much more.
in this time the christian in egypt mixed some idolaters things into christianty and never forget it,as when the river nile dont flood(the land where little above the nile so it must flood to water the farming land)they choose virgin pretty girl and sacrfice her to the river through her in the nile,they bequeath this from the pharonic ages and it didnt leave them even with there christianty,but when islam comes ofcourse stops this paganism cermony and what happin is the river nile didnt flood and they wanted to do it but (amr bin alaas) refused and send a message to the muslims caliph( caliph means the president of all muslims in this time)and he was omar bin al-khatab,asking him what to do and the nile didnt flood in his season and egyptian insisting to do a human sacrfice,omar bin khatab reply saying dont let them do that islam refuse al kind of idolters and the human sacrfice,and with my reply this theres little message through it in the nile.
in this little message omar said:from the slave of allah the caliph(commander of the faithful)to egypt nile,if you flood by your will then dont flood,and if allah the only one the conqueror that make you flood,then we ask allah the one the qonqueror to make you flood........
amr bin alaas through this message in nile and after one night the nile flooded 16 arm like never happin ,because when muslim ask the ask the creator the owner of the earth and the sky allah not do such idolters or jugglery.
another story shows the morales of islam happined when the son of amr bin alaas raced by horses with one egyptian and the egyptian wipe him saying how you win on me and im son of ruler and more noble and honorable,but the egyptian went to the holly land to (al madina)the islamic capital this time to the caliph omar bin al-khatab,and told him the story and what did happin to him so the caliph sent to the ruler amr bin alaas and his son to come immediately and he host the egyptian till they come then he face them by the egyptian and gived the wipe to the egyptian and told him wipe him as he do to u and the egyptian took his revenge then the caliph told him to wipe amr bin alaas himself because his son done that because his father postion but the egyptin refused and said he didnt do bad to me its his son and itake my revenge from him,then amr bin alaas said to the caliph he didnt know anything about all that,and if he knowt he would do same as the caliph to his own son and give all the rights to the egyptian.
this is the greatness of islam no reluer in it or simple people no diffrence betwen anyone all equal infront of allah,who do wrong get his punishment whatever he is.
did anyone see or read or hear anything like that before?is there any religious leaders done that before or now?
islam and muslims enterd egypt welcoming the islamic army because they saw in them the savors from the roman even the roman was christian like them and the army muslims but they heard and knowt islam and muslims,
muslims have there morales and values even in the war never break it and who break it get his punishment immediately,this morales shows in the orders of the prophet of islam prophet muhammed(pbuh)when he send the first islamic army to fight the disbelivers even they are pagans and disbelivers but morales is still same against anyone,prophet muhammed gatherd the army and start to say his orders and commandments,that muslims dont kill innocent,no killing for womens,or children,or old men,or any one in religious place dosent fight them,or any monk or priest or any religion man,or anyone stay at his home dont fight,or anyone in his workplace not fighting,no demolishing of building,no burning for trees,no killing for any animal,no destroying for the nature arouand.
this is the orders and commandments that muslims followed and it what capture the hearts of people even who was fighting against muslims,
another story the history cant forget it because it show and describe the teaches of islam and how it putt morales into people even years after,the the hero in this story was the caliph (omar bin al-khatab)after islam enterd palstine people there asked the caliph to come himself and he went to jerusalem omar bin al-khatab give the people there what it called the omaric covenant: from omar bin al-khatan to people of jerusalem to be safe in there souls and there money and there churches and crosses,the sick and well of them the old and young and everyone of them,there churches will not demolish or taken from them or they goods of it,no forcing in religion,freedom of worshiping,and who want go out with the romans his safe with his money and all if he want,who want to stay welcomed and who want to leave his safe.
this covenant shows the morales of islam even with non muslims obviousley.
and then while the jerusalemians priests giving omar bin al-khatab the keys of the church of the resurrection(church of the holly sepulchre)as symbol of there accepting and admission of the fairness of islam,and while he inside the church the time for pray comes, noon prayer(dhuar prayer) so he went out of the church and pray in the road infront of the church on his simply clothes as carpet for pray,after he pray the church priests came to him asking him why he didnt pray in the church because he was inside when the time of pray come, and ask him is islam dont allow muslims to do that,but he answer simply with huge meanings and maximum fairness,
islam allow muslim to pray anywhere everywhere as long the place clean and the floor clean,but ididnt want pray inside the church so no muslim comes after me and take that as excuse to convert the church to a mosque,so how wounderfull how great how amazing this man fulled by islamic morales and values and by prophet muhammed(pbuh)teaches,he didnt want anyone after him or ages after to come and convert the church to mosque and his excuse be that the caliph omar bin al-khatan,the prophet friend and companion prayedinside the church,because that he prayed outside,what a great and amazing man you omar.
and to look to tottaly contrary things of what omar done,after the zionists occupied palstine and make there terroristic country israel they demolish and destroy hundreds or even thousands of mosques and convert hundreds mosques to dirty places as bars or animal barns and stables,and even for years now trying to destroy the second holly mosque for all muslims ever(al-aqsa)mosque.
in spain another contrary example than what omar bin al-khatab done,in granada in spain was historical mosque called alhambra mosque,but they demolish it and build in his place church still till now called Santa maria de Alhambra,this mosque was such architectural masterpiece but no more now just a lamb stays from the remains of this mosque in the madrid museum.
also in toledo city in spain too, fantastic mosque called mardoom door mosque as arab call it and ValmarD َn Mezquita as spanish call it,and they convert it to church withiout demolish it or destroy it they take the mosque from muslims make it church called now Ermita de San Cristo de la Luz.and also in toledo theres the great toledo cathedral as they call it but actullay this is a mosque used to called gathering mosque and the convert it to the cathedral staying till now,they demolish the mosque prayer niche,and putt the church bell on the mosque minaret since then till now its the cathedral.
and in cordova or cordoba city there was a mosque called cordova greatest mosque,this mosque was hug the second hugiest mosque in islam after the holly mosque in macca,and it wasent just mosque it was islamic and scientis universty too not just for muslims but even non muslims,and the history still remember that 2 popes of the catholician church get there education there,this mosque was masterpiece no place like before or after took years to build and complet,have over 1,000 columns of jasper, onyx, marble, and granite,The Mezquita also features richly gilded prayer niches. A centrally located honey-combed dome has beautiful blue tiles decorated with stars. The mihrab is a masterpiece of architectural art, with geometric and flowing designs of plants,the mosque have gold and silver embellishments,magnifcient mosque whatever words cant describe the beauty and the splendors of this mosque but unfortunately the world lost unique masterpiece Will not be repeated in this world,this mosque they convert it to the cathedral of cordoba and till now some of the old monuments of the mosque remains attracting tourist there,and even spanish they still call it cordoba mosque.
in end this just examples imentioned to make us think and compare betwen what the great caliph omar bin al-khatab done and what others done, to see what islam done and how islam treat others and what others done and treat islam with,the motive for muslims while they do what they do and secure and safe even non muslims was the teachs of islam,the motive for what omar bin al-khatab done in jerusalem was the teaches of islam,the motive to safe coptic christian egyptian from the suffring on the christian romans was the teaches of islam,all thsi is islam and that how islam is,then what was the motive to the others?what was the motive to those who convert holly mosques to bars or animales stables or churchs or cathedral or whatever else what was there motive?

Monday, June 22, 2009

kill the media

governments,there intrest to stick anything to islam the mattre is not muslims themself as human but its islam as religion,anyone can ask why islam only ,islam is not just religion have spirtial view rulling ur relation with your god,islam is life full life with the full meaning of the word,islam opens your eyes not just to your god and worship but also to politicse to what right and whats wrong,islam have what they call clean politicse with no tricks or dirty ways in it,islam dosent have the end justify the means,american governments turned the people to a money slaves all there care is jobs money and such materlistic stuff,people there wouldnt know what there government do or even when they see they dont care,american government helped drug dealer like norrega to be president and when exhausted his purposes they take him off by force,people see that and didnt care because through the years they turned by the government and the media to isolated island,coz this we see islam is bad to them coz he will soldering this isolated island to the rest of played the main role in putting this in people minds in isolating huging there nightmares making terrorist enemy to scary them even without they know its right or wrong,media is very important part of any modern country partcpiting in this country progressing or in her failure,and the media played very huge role in american people lifes from politicse to even what to wear or eat even if this dosent fit you but they so cleaver and convince anyone,american government and the american media gatherd in one intrest to make islam always scary to americans to make it the evil enemy that want take there lifes and life style,to destroy there globalization and and and,unfortunately this succes in this and people didnt search is this true or not people didnt search if this fits there minds or not is this from there intrests or not,american system makes the rich more richer and the poor more poorer and people see that and still trust this system even this sucking there bloods with big ugly yellow smile,anyone know how many the media fool him how many times they say just lies,everyone catch there lies before,so a media lie at you how do you trust this media again?
all ican say is
kill the media so you can live free

Friday, June 12, 2009


eyes dont cry just dry like desert there no enough pain to make you much thorns you need to cry.losting your way of rightouess dosent make you cry.eating allot and throughing allot while allotcant find bit of this cant make you cry.closet full of clothes while kids in streetsunder rain only there skin cover them cant make you cry.spending your life just runing after your lust cant make you cry.falling in sins one after one non stop cant make you cry.your god gives you allot even without you ask and non infront from you cant make you cry.been so ungreatfull to god infront of his blessing cant make you cry.seeing your life wasted infront of your eyes cant make you cry.all your life runs like movie infront of you cant make you cry.thinking in lifeafter with the judgment cant make you cry.your past deeds and your coming ones dont make you cry.someone cry for you and coz of you cant make you cry.last view to your loved ones cant make you cry.dead beautifull rose cant make you cry.sad bird cant fly cant make you cry.all that and you cant cry then what makes you cry?if you didnt cry before you die besure you will cry allot in lifeafter but it will be to late.the eye dont cry its DEAD EYE.....

Monday, June 1, 2009


disbelivers:in what year your allah found?
beliver?allah exist before any date or time no first to his existence
beliver: what before the 4?
disbelivers: its the 3
beliver: and what's before the 3?
disbelivers:its the 2
beliver:and what's before the 2?
disbelivers: its the 1
beliver:and what's before the one?
disbelivers: nothing before it its zero
beliver:so if the mathematical one is nothing before it,so hows it for the real one allah nothing compare to him,allah the oldiest nothing before him nothing is one but him.
disbelivers:in which point your allah destintation
beliver:if you get a lamp in dark place to which destination the light will be?
disbelivers:in all the place ofcourse
beliver:If this is how the artificial light,then hows allah the light of skies and earth nothing compare to him.
disbelivers:tell us about your allah matrial?ist solid like iron,or liquid like water,or gaseous like smoke?
beliver:did u set beside patient on the last gasp?
disbeliver: yes we did
beliver:does he speaks to you after he die's?
disbelivers:no ofcourse
beliver:but before he die's he was talking n moving right.
beliver: so whats changed that?
disbeliver: ofcourse his soul went out and he die.
beliver:oh ok so whats this soul is?ist solid like iron,or liquid like water,or gaseous like smoke?
disbelivers:no we dont know it its not that ofcourse.
beliver:ok this is the soul of creature we cant n dont know anything about it or the matrial of it,so how about the creator himself nothing compare to him.
me:allah the creator for everything the light of earth and the heavens nothing compare to him,by looking to ourself we know him,by looking to nature we know him,by looking to animals we know him, to the skies to the birds,to the deep colored oceans to diffrent races and looks of humans by all this we know allah n much more,who dosent know or see or recognize allah in all that he is the blind n no will stay blind always till he see,
if we dont know or see allah,allah wont lose we the one will lose no one else the biggest lose no mattre what

Sunday, May 3, 2009


flower land full of all kinds diffrent colours diffrent scents.
they beauty in the flowers hide whats hidden,
hide crulity under arousing scent,hide bleeding blood,
can shade like runing river.
thorns sharp like tiny pieces of shiny glass.
ready to go in your vines and arterys.
run in you like wild horses in wilderness.
everyone must step in that land and no one pass it unharmed.
but the worse harm when u suddenly unexcpected
find thorn stap at your heart going out from your head and soul.
passing away or walking neer,
giving attention or ignoring,taking care or careless
but you must drink from everlasting eternal glass.
fly to the moon or hug the earth but ur cup waits you,
run from it but as much as you run you go neer it,
your flower waits you call you send fragrance in air
like animal female in the intermarriage season,
forcing you to come with your will or without accept or reject.
we all in flower land now ready or negligents,
and we all so soon will be under this land without flowers
ready or negligents.
under the land ready or negligents...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


the true that women sufers allot,and she was the victem for every system,and sorrow in every age,deprivation pages,and sadness sources,faced allot oppressing and wrongs the humanity never saw like it
pages of disgrace....
from disgrace pages on humanity,to treat women like she wasent from humanbeen,no civilazation pass unless it gaves allot of unfair to women and subdual and oppression.
(greekian civilazation)say about women shes poisned tree and say she's divel work,and sell as any product.
(the romans civilazation)say she dont have soul,and they torture women by spoil hot oil on it,and draged by horses.
(chinees civilazation) say she's painfull water washing the happines,and the chinees have the right to bury his wife a live and if he dead she will be legacy for his family.
(indian civilazation)say about womens ,nor death or hell or poison or snakes or fire worse than women,and women dosent ahve the right to live if her husband die and they burn her with his body.
(parsian civilzation) they allow marrieg in incest without excption,and the parsian man can judge his wife by death.
(jews civilaztion)say she's curse because she's the reason of sin and seduction,and impurity when she have her menstruation,and her dad can sell her.
(christian civilaztion) the french make discuss in the year 586 to search if women human or not human,and do she have soul or not,and if she have soul isnt animalic soul or human soul,and if human soul is't same level of man soul or less in level,then they agree she have human with human soul but she created to serve man only.
and the british parliament in age of henry th8 give decision to forbid on womens to read the new testament coz they impurity.
(arabian civilaztion before islam) they hate her like death,and they do bury her live or through her in deep well.
women liberation...
Then came the mercy of God's gift to all mankind,withQualities changed the face of ugly history,to create life Unprecedented in human civilizations ever.
Islam came to say(And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness).
Islam came to say (But consort with them in kindness)
Islam came to say(Provide for them, the rich according to his means, and the straitened according to his means).
Islam came to say(Lodge them where ye dwell, according to your wealth).
Islam came to say(and harass them not so as to straiten life for them).
Islam came to say(give unto them their portions as a duty).
Islam came to say(and unto the women a share of that which parents and near kindred leave).
Islam came to say(and unto women a fortune from that which they have earned).
Islam came to say(and bestow upon them of the wealth of Allah which He hath bestowed upon you).
Islam came to say(They are raiment for you and ye are raiment for them.)
Islam came to say(seek not a way against them. Lo!).
Islam came to say(It is not lawful for you forcibly to inherit the women (of your deceased kinsmen).
Islam came to say(nor (that) ye should put constraint upon them that ye may take away a part of that which ye have given them).
Islam came to say(Divorce must be pronounced twice and then (a woman) must be retained in honour or released in kindness)..........
The Holy Prophet came to show us the status of women,they ask him of who the most person he love?he answers aisha' his wife.
they get him gift's so he say give it to someone because she was his late wife friend.
and he who said be so kind to women's.
and he whom said womens same as men.
and he who said if the man didnt like something in the women sure he will like another.
and he whom said the best man whois best to his family and wife.
and he whom said the man must provide livelihood and clothing by kindness.
and he whom said from the happines in life that the man have good wife.........
There are lots and lots of evidence,That Islam is the real liberater of women slavery,
1.Islam, keeping the right of women:while she still in her mom womb,and if the mother divorced while she pregnant in her,Islam requires the father to spend on the mother during pregnancy(And if they are with child, then spend for them till they bring forth their burden).
2.Islam keeping the right of women:that if she pregnant and do crime the punishment delay till it birth so the embry wont effect.
3.Islam keeping the right of women:as newborn in livelihood and clothing (The duty of feeding and clothing nursing mothers in a seemly manner is upon the father of the child).
4.Islam keeping the right of women:In the incubation period, which extends to a few years,And requiring the maintenance by the father in this period.
5.Islam keeping the right of women:in inheritance genraly old or young is same allah said (and if there be women more than two, then theirs is two-thirds of the inheritance, and if there be one (only) then the half.).
6.Islam keeping the right of women: in choosing the right husband and acceptance or refusing in choice.
7.Islam keeping the right of women:in having dowry when marrieg and its order for man to give it to his bride (And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty).
8.Islam keeping the right of women:in conditioned divorce if she cant live with her husband islam give her the right to divorce him and return him his dowry and other money and gifts he give her.
9.Islam keeping the right of women:as divorced women(For divorced women a provision in kindness: a duty for those who ward off (evil).
10.Islam keeping the right of women:as widow and give her the right to inhert her husband(And unto them belongeth the fourth of that which ye leave if ye have no child, but if ye have a child then the eighth of that which ye leave).
11.Islam keeping the right of women:as orphan and make a part for her in everything even in war victory.and from the money of islamic charity,and in the spending of relatives.
12.Islam keeping the right of women:in her social life among others and her state betwen her family.
13.Islam keeping the right of women:in protecting her honor that forbbid looking to her with bad inttention (ell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest).
14.Islam keeping the right of women:to punish whom accuse her by sin without evidence(And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes ).
15.Islam keeping the right of women:as mother that require kindness beneficencery and filial piety to her and warned from any bad word to her.
16.Islam keeping the right of women: in home that order the husband by it,(Lodge them where ye dwell, according to your wealth).
17.Islam keeping the right of women:in her health and give her permission to not fast when she be pregnant or breastfeeding.
this is just few examples of the women right in islam not all rights its just example coz full rights needs book,women in islam mostely more protected have more rights,spot of concern to be protected ,and to be the jewlery of the man.
the western world creat monster from the soft creature called women it made it just cheap merchandise everyone look at it covet in it,make it single mom with cowerd husband run away or boyfriend satisfy his desires then run,and the only who take the responsibility without any support,teenagers 15,16,17 is single moms they still need family rising
they still children, how in which law or morales accept that,this life killed something called family called intimate family ties,called morales and values of families,
and now we see they attack on islam who call for this morales to be back and accuse islam and muslims by narrow-minding just because islam call for this morales for this values for family for respectfull for all this morales and values.
"Marilyn Monroe" says in note before her suicide advising girls:bewary of glory bewary of who fool you with lights,am the most miserable woman on this earth,icouldnt be mother,im women perfere house,honest family life intop of everything,the happines of women in her family life,Indeed, this family life is a symbol of women happines and even Humanitarian,
and said too,all people was unfair to me working in cinema make women as cheap goods trifle whatever glory and fake fame she got.
who attack islam just want women like that,want millions of kids dosent know there fathers,want millions of womens suffer by kids facing this crule life alone,want families dont meet for years dont ask or know about each other,want cold relations betwen the closest people ,want that and this,and in end islam call for this morales call for no single mom,call for happy family,call for womens treated respectfull,call for putting the women in her right place more preciouse than jewlery that wrong to call for that?...............
p.s sentinces betwen brackets is from the holly quran

Monday, April 13, 2009


your look to me diveste me from my cover,
with you im naked with no cover outside and inside,
you know me before i be me and before anyone know me,
you see my inner before any see my outer,
infront of you ifeel my skin flay out of me.
you know what ido before even igone do it,
you know iwill do it before ithink in doing it,
you know what happin and what will happin and what happining before it start to happin,
all my wish in this transient life is just content look just look upon me to fullfil me and spray me with your face light that theres no light like it.
ifight all world for you alone stand stood giving the last droop of my blood just for your sake,
my soul for you just for you,
no one can strip me from it just you and just for you.
wide world huge earth open skies deep sea's all just drop in you and with you.
diving me in your tenderness puring me from my sins
puting me in higher downing your shiny breath taking light all over me.
im sinking in you from head to toe drowning to the fullest with my happy well.
im naked yes im naked infront of you and with you not my body naked coz ihave no skin with you,im naked with you naked heart naked mind and naked soul.
you have like me allot and ionly have you,you have like me allot and ionly have you.
and that coz
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.
you is you and me is me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


if you cant laugh dont teard or cry.
and if the only stay with you your heart
dont be affried u will not die you will live.
if the eyes of all world look to you
dont be shy and speak load.
and if the people ask you of your eyes light
why it dosent shine,dont hide just say.
tell them the fault not in me
the fault in the light.
im not darkness lover or pissed the light.
the light will come alone and shine
the laugh will come alone and rise.
dont hurt or harmmmm.
as your breath move and your eye see
as you smell flower scent and taste the life
dont hide just say the fault not in me
its in you just in you.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


silent killer eating in you,
no one know he just eat you.
as usal your big heart and kindness.
covers all make us blind.
your soul flys arouand made me cry.
your kids among me make me cry.
your image in them always make me cry.
the taste of kissing you never leave me.
the kiss you print on my forhead as fingerprint.
spinding the last our of your life with me,
will never leave my head,reading quran for you.
will never forget,hearing your voice in my ears.
will never leave my ear,
day by day eats you slowly eats you.
find his innocent victum in you.
your kindness allow him to eat you.
you left your beloved behinde you.
you left us eyes full of tears on you.
cancer never was stronger than you.
but you surrender to him and we surrender to you.
cancer never beats you,but life did,
and you beat us,and you beat us.
you was like cold air in hot day.
you was the water in the graving desert.
painkiller when the hurt cuts us parts.
no words can describe you rightly.
what can i words can say my pain or sorrow .
we are for god and to him we going back.
ya !seured soul go back to your god satisfied contented.
(for my late aunt)