Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11spical view(1)

today the 6th memory for 9/11 attackes in u.s.a since this day the muslims becomes targets for all kindof attackes and accusations with reason and withoutin this attackes dies in it almost 3 thousand innocent in it but what after this attackes dies more than 1million and half from innocent muslims and thousands personed in all over the world with only accusation thats they r terrorists or giving help to terrorists or related to terrorists all countrys find it great chance to get ride of persons they dont want all under u.s.a commands.lets start again 9/11 attackes who declare his resbonsbility of it(alqaeda) say we did it and its muslim then muslims who did it thats was the first shoot and the world become wild against muslims till bush declare starting of war against terror.lets go years back till the world war 2.in the nauture of humans that they cant live without enamy enamy makes them live working hard fearing of the enamy give there blood much enrgy .in this while was nazism the enamy hetler was the enamyby the all ugly in he and all crimes he do and his crazy ideas who leads him to the end of his live and the defeat the world start to change the old powers withdraw a side and other powers take the place.united states of amerca and the soviet union.u.s.a and u.s.s.r those r the leaders of the new world those the new powers who free the world from the great evil.nazism and defeat it and give the world new hope but those 2 powers is so diffrant.capitalism.communism 2 diffrant systems and against each other in everything so they much clash both.after they won the worry everyone of them starts to try extend his powers in other countrys to take it under there wing and coz that the world divided to 2 teams one with capitalism and the other with communismand the cold war starts first shoot was in korea war and divided to 2 countrys north korea is communist and south korea is capitalist.and the both countrys keep on doing this to aid the other countrys enamy to take thim under her wing.soviet union and his system takes all eastern eroupe and some countrys in latin amerca and in asia nad africa.and some other with the capitalist with .u.s.a and her system.and so little try to be neutral.years go and the cold war get more wild its now the turn on the middle east and arab countrys.the middle east have his own problims.palstine the holly place for all religion his the open wound in all arab hearts and his makes resault for everything now.palstine since the beging is arabian country build by some arabian tribes called (yibossines) build it 4thousand years before the christ birth so its arabin country since the start not jews like they claim coz jews tribes only enter it 1300 year before the christ birth.anyway all this time palstine is arabic place till 1948 before that age britsh was occupied palstine since1918 and was in 1917 something called belfore promise to the jew to give them palstine to build country there with no care of the arabs there all this years palstine was under english occupied and jews start go there from all arouand the world little by little without anyone notice to build there jewsh country in the year of 1948 the britsh end there occupition to palstine in same moment jews declare there country there on few places of palstine not all of it and the stragle start from this moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say after reading all of this except... I feel ashamed to live in... to call my home the USA.

Greed and impurity,hypocrisy and vengeance are a few words that come to mind when I think of this country I have been raised in...

When our children grow up to be racists and biggots,murderers and rapists, we complain that society has done this...
what else can we expect when they learn by example of what they see every day just by turning on the news.