Tuesday, September 4, 2007

as if age

as if age extinct...and disease attackes u and all ur aimes and purpose pass away and suddenly death shows strikingand u was in inadvertence from that eyes stare and the voice mute...and cant prevention the passing and death angel come to u......and the soul sublimate and parallel itand u was in inadvertence from that u reaches the strongest distress.....what amazing what u suffer........as if u was givin deadly poison to drinkand cut pieces from u...and u was in inadvertence from that the soul reach the highest.and didnt know who higher or who lower and didnt know when leaving what it well face god forbid god forbid.u was in inadvertence from that then they putt u in shroud..and carry u to dirty grave with all ur ugly sins.and ur beloved well leave u in dust and u become in grave like that.u was in inadvertence from that ur beloved infiltrate from u taking ur hirtage to spend.and all they want that u gone there tears on u like dribblesand u was in inadvertence from that they lock the locks and stuff everything and forget u whom u was there love after hour and u stayed in ur grave to punishes till doomsday not finding help or away of that u was in inadvertence from that u raise from ur grave poor.u dont have from money even penny and by sins millioner if ur goods was lower u have refguge and shelter.u was in inadvertence from that straightpass is ready...and all ur actions scales ready and faces and colors all changesand shouts out by the destny in hell or heaven..........the son of.......and no one knows u nor that or that u was in inadvertnece from that.once good man says corruption of hearts in 6 things1.making sins and sins wishing repentance 2.they have knowldge but they dont teach it to others 3.if they act no sincerity in it 4.eating from god subsistence and they dont thank 5.not satisfed of what god gives them 6.people die arouand them but they dont care or take warning
dont despair of god mercy and go back to him and servility to ur lord if u do he well accept u whatever u done before.was a guy in old ages worship god for 20 years then he make sins for another 20 years one day while he look to himself in mirorr he find his head become gray he say to himself if igo back to god do he well accept me????he heard voice coming from nowhere(u loved me i loved u desobey me igives u time.and if u back to me whatever u done before i accept u) dont ever despair from god mercy and dont be in inadvertence from that

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