Friday, September 14, 2007

9/11spical view(3)

so the cold war was all over the world in rouands some u.s.a won and some soviets won and all the damge comes on the innocent people anyway since the time u.s.a start aid isreal with everything and makes isreal her first ally arab countrys start hate u.s.a not the country just hate the policy that always against arabian rights even in united nation the amercan veto was always ready to help isrealeven if the whole world was against isreal but always u.s.a protect him the far that u.s.a use the veto right in united nation about 37or38 times for isreal sake anyway after egypt defete isreal in 1973 war and allknow what u.s.a done with isreal till she almost involved in the war not officily ofcourse the amercan policy was unbelivable all in isreal side all against arab and muslims rights even in peace agreement betwen egypt and isreal u.s.a try putt all pressure on the egyptian side.after few years isreal attackes another arabian country lebnon and the amercan roll was so obvious again even after that u.s.a send amercan solders there amercan marines but she retreat them in humliting view when sucider boomb his car in marines building kills hundred of marines.but isrealian crimes that u.s.a coverd there still witness on another cercle of the cold war but now in eroupe in east eroupe the comminust countrys there u.s.a succes that he penetrate deeply in it till he succes to make the mutiny the comminzm system and that was hard beat to soviets.and in another place now more east till afganstan soviet union occupied this poor country to help the comminust people there to roll and afganstanian start to fight the soviets and u.s.a find it great chance to bayback what soviets do with vietnames against amercan so u.s.a aid the afganian fighters till they give soviets degrading defete makes the collapse of soviet union come faster coz those fighters fight the great army with his tanks and planes and ships only with his reffles and his faith.after little years soviet union collapse and the great soviet power vanish and u.s.a stays alone on the stage the only the cold war finished already and now the only magnate is u.s.a.the secret word betwen u.s.a and arabs is isreal.the unbliveable aid and pickup from u.s.a to isreal was the moving power for muslims to hate u.s.a policy but theres another reason too so important that u.s.a always support the dectatoring systems in arabs country even against the people .example like how much u.s.a support sadam in iraq in the 80's and help him even against his own nation and ignore all his crimes coz he was working with there intrest and in war with iran the enemy of u.s.a.and allot of this things coz almost all arabian countrys rolled by dectatorians taking there orders from the white house even its against there people.and this is the second reason.3rd reason we must go back to the theory of the illusionary enemy.

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