Saturday, September 22, 2007

only you

Only you can make this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright.
Only you and you alone
can thrill me like you do
and fill my heart with love for only you.

Only you can make this change in me,
for it's true, you are my destiny.
When you hold my hand,
I understand the magic that you do.
You're my dream come true,
my one and only you.

Only you can make this change in me,
for it's true, you are my destiny.
When you hold my hand,
I understand the magic that you do.
You're my dream come true,
my one and only you.
One and only you.


Anonymous said...


i know how it feels; your heart being stomped on, cheated, disgraced and humiliated by someone you assume was an angel. Let me tell you something, sometimes, what seems so perfect and so pure may be just a mask. A pretence. Just to make you think she is the victim. She's done this to others before. Not only yourself. And sadly, she will continue being the way she is...I share with you as bitter as it seem, but seriously, Allah will guide you to a better soul, that will really honor and cherish you.... I pray for you. Be strong. Let her go and hope she'll change and not play with other innocent hearts.


samo said...

who love cant hate.who care cant neglecate.brokin hearts stay forever brokin.may allah guide us and protect us all

Anonymous said...

at times, meanings may be misinterpreted by just 1 one would know better than Allah and the person who uttered those words..its easy to steer in the wrong direction when the heart is in pain..however, if the person on the receiving end really knows and loves the giver inside and outside, he would not have ill thoughts about her..he would let her go, knowing that only God has the right to control fate and love someone is simply loving them, without having to own them..seeing the person u love happy is truly TRUE LOVE..take care..