Thursday, September 13, 2007

9/11spical view(2)

before the isrealian declare there country isrealian gangs start there massacrates against the arabs to force them to live there land this gangs was aragon and haganah was the biggest gangs in it the killd allot of innocent people men kids and womens without mercy and resualt of this massacrates allot of people left there land and escape by there lives to another and the gangs make big succes in that after declaring isreal country that gangs become the army of isreal in 1948 was the declare of isrealian country u.s.a and soviet union was almost neutrals in this mattre and england and france was the official sponsers for isreal and helping and so on.till 1956 when egypt nationalize the canal of suez and was england and france have stocks in the canal so they decided to attacke egypt to controll the canal but they need reason to attacke to occupied the canal so they find in isreal perfect ally in that and secret agreement betwen ben jorion prime minister of isreal and antony iden prime minister of england and molieae prime minister of france.that isreal attackes egypt till the suez canal and that happind then england and france give both countrys warning to keep away of the canal then the war starts and 3 armys unit togther against the egyptian army heres the u.s.a and soviet union roll start the give warning to the 3 countrys to stop there attacke against egypt and this force thim to it was great thing even the give this warning only coz this war start without the 3 countrys take apremission from u.s.a and soviet union so they didnt sstop the war love for peace or for the sake of innocent people blood isreal start the first clash with arabian countrys and the 2 biggest country takes bigger situation after few years the official sponser of isreal become the u.s.a and isreal her first ally.and this roll show up in 1967 when isreal attackes and occupied places in 3 countrys in egypt and syria and jorden and occupied all of palstinian this war u.s.a aid isreal with everything money weapons even with troops.and ofcourse isreal won this war and take allot of land and occupied it.the soviet union takes the arab countrys`side but not same as u.s.a with same time another war in another place was runing war or vietnam but this time was officialy u.s.a in this war fighting against communistes villegar and ofcourse soviet union was there just behinde the scene with the communistes villeger and u.s.a loses this war against vietnam and the wining was kind for soviet union system against there bitter enemy u.s.a vietnams cost u.s.a about 50.000 to 70.000 solder wer killed from the amercans and almost 2 million people die from vietnam people but mostly was innocent not fighters.and this caused u.s.a first defete in the new history and scandal in politicse.back to the middle east u.s.a helps her ally isreal with all powers till the year 1973 when egypt and syria attackes isreal in surprising war to take back there occupied land that isearl occupie it 1967 and the war give her resault on the egyptian side only and egyptian army won the war and reback almost his land from isrealian and thats the first defete to isreal since the declare there countrwas on the egyptian army hands.but the syrian fails to do same and isreal won on that side again her the 2 great powers shows on the action field u.s.a hurry to help her ally isreal coz the huge loses egypt made in her so they open the amercan weapons storge for isreal without limit even they give isreal the most newest weapons that even the amercan army didnt have it yet.but that wasent enough they send solders too to fight with isreal against egypt and after the war they claim that the solders was jews and u.s.a dont know anything about them coz they left there platons and join isreal without same time soviet union wasent giving same aid to his allys the arabian countrys coz that egypt won her war but syria couldnt win.but after the war was everything clear that how much u.s.a aid for isreal.since the 50's of this centry the oil was discoverd in the arabian countrys almost the countrys was floating on this area become so important for the west.and go away to cuba and there was another rouand betwen u.s.a and soviet union but this time was so dengrous rouand coz it was about to start nuclear war betwen both of them when cuba convince soviet union to putt nuclear missles against u.s.a but in last second god was mercyfull to all and it finished but this mattre gives u.s.a and amercan people alram that soviet union is capable to reach them easly or like they say that soviet union was in ther back yardso the cold war was runing all over the world.

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