Saturday, September 8, 2007

shock then unconsciousness(1)

all start with shock iread the messege iget from her
then ilost controll iwas amazed idont know what to do
iwant cry iwant screem iwant heat my head in wall
idont know why ?why iget the shock of my life why?
do idesirve that?do im that bad and idint know?
do she hates me like that?do everything gone ?
do ilost everything?do all gone from my hands?
what happin? maybe im hallucinating?yes sure
that must be hallucination cant be true cant be
im in bad dream im in nightmare and iwell wake now
she cant destroy my life like that no she cant im sure
she love me maybe not same as ilove her but she love me
ifeel that.this angel cant be heartless no shes pure
wakeup now wakeup please .oh my lord its true im not
dreaming no im awake and what iread is true very true
she left me she face me by that now she say all she want now
im so stupid why icouldnt notice why?
why even when isuspict something i erase it so fast and always
putt excuses to her why icant notice why .now she saying it
do iwas that crazy in her ??yes iknow im crazy in her and that
makes me blind do im that weake yes u very weake more than u think
but why all that is good things when u give all ur feeling
ur emotions.ur love.ur soul.ur body .ur heart .ur spirit
when u give everything u have to the one ilove is that not good?
when u wake and sleep and work and shower and eat and only
one thing in ur mind thats the one u love is that not good?
when u be in street .when u be with clints.when u be with
friends.when u be with family and only u think in ur love
is that not good?when u be stranger among anybody else
and only u feel home with ur love is that not good?
when u feel u in middle of ocean and sharks attackes u
and ur love is the only ship could save u his ur saver
is that not good?please ineed answer
all that what ifeel when iread the messege dame messege
do u imagin amessege ruined my life kills me
our love story throughs in my mind like cenmatic tape
all since imeet her till this moment runs in my head in moment
ifeelt dizzy but iresest it its only the shock makes me
idont know what time ist or where im or anything
idont know what im feeling what iwant what to do
ididnt know anything at all im in condition cant explin
all i feel now is dizzy then idont know why istart wrote
idont know what im writting but iwrote allot yeh iwrote
every thing since first day isee her till today why idont know?
just iwrote like a diarys even icall it dead man diarys
then before ifinish it ilost controll now isee my tears
now ifeel my heart ifeel my pain now now
ifeel so dizzy and things start to be dark then ifalllllllll

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