Monday, September 3, 2007

no compulsion in religion

allot of fairless writers always accused islamic religion that he spread by sowrd
and allot belives them without any evdance or any clue just words to poltutit the repution
of islamic religion but did anyone ever read in islam ofcourse not coz if they did they well not that no place for force in islam basic thing no compulsion in religion...................
I write this to convey the mind of every Christian had grown up in mistrust and lack of understanding of the true Islamic religion tell him not to be duped including told you of the abduction of Muslims and Christians were forced to Islam and say the certificates, What is learned from the Islamic religion or the Unseen that you learn is what follows from the facts..........first fact-finding God says in his book Quran(There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error)The meaning of the verse that God forbiden to hate anyone to engage in the religion of Islam is a religion of clear, and would show clearly evident, and does not require that one hates to enter it, but God guided him to Islam and to open the chest by light insight income on him, and therefore it does not inflate the entry of a compulsion in religion by force If this happens, a Muslim who does not know anything of Islam have not asked forbid God by how it is keen to Islama Other Christians forced before to take care to learn religion ISecond fact, what faith is realized in the heart and charity work If faith is realized heart, how then muslim well forced to change the heart Christian faith? Thus how to be a Muslim-Christian forced to ratify the performance of the work assignments and the resulting Cole (nominal) to carry out good deeds and this can also conclude that there is no point gain oblige anyone to engage in Islam The third fact God says in his book Quran (Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.)The meaning of this part of the verse that God excluded from whom disbelief agreed forced pronunciation disbelief unwillingly given for the attack, injury, heart refuses to say, while his heart remains in his belief in Allah and His Messenger, which can make the conclusion that, if forced to leave the Muslim faith while his heart was still reassuring faith, This is still a Muslim whatever it wants and whatever words of disbelief in God and that God knows what the heaviness in his heart of the faith and know the suffering of pressure and forcingFourth fact : God says in the sacared speech Oh my sleves! If your earliers and finals and mankind and jinn were righteous man and one of you, what has the royal something Oh! If your earliers and finals and mankind and jinn were debaucher heart of a man and one of you, the lack of monarchy is something that speech learn that God is absolutely indispensable to what Ayoush Sublime Islam sounder or desbelief from desbelief soul, and it is the safest it Fifth fact leave unanswered the question of a conscious mind and heart prudential ... Who kidnapped and forced those to Islam? Ibrahim Khalil Vilobs, d. Ongoing Miller, Kenneth Jenkins, d. Gerald Derks, d. Morris Bucay, d. Murad Hoffman, George Anthony, Rob Weeks, Cat Stevens, Khadija Watson, Mohamed John Webster muhammed ali klay...... And othersby little search u can know who r they and why they convert to be muslims

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