Monday, September 3, 2007

one hundred greatest

Greatest Prophet peace be upon him was published in America in the present time a book entitled "cent" or (Immortals hundred) or (summits cent), or one hundred greatest in history.This book has a new kind of world astronomy, mathematics and of Michael Hart has had to search in the history of the men who have made the greatest impact on humans has reminded us that in this book over one hundred men on the human impact of them Azos - Aristotle-Buddha-Confucius-Hitler-Plato - Zradasht - which does not give us the specific signs cent in terms of their influence on people, but it is evaluating the extent of the impact and he views the order of bravery in the influence of the No.1 and No.even a hundred shows us the reasons for the order of candidates. We are not required to agree to what he said but we can only admire this man honestly and accuracy in the search. The most surprising thing was selected in that a Quran the Prophet Mohammed the Prophet peace be upon him only in the first one cent It thus confirms the great without the knowledge or intent certificate of God in the latest download it to the world : You have in the Messenger of God as a good-parties : 21 Isa (peace be upon him) No. 3 Jesus (P.. B. U. H.) NO 3 ~ The happiest Muslims classification of course Michael Hart of the prophet of Islam in the first place. But this choice was stunned non-Muslims, particularly Jews and Christians who regarded that as an insult. Why? Christ (peace be upon him) came in third and Moses (peace be upon him) came in session?! Of course, for them, this is something we can chew, but what says Michael Hart? Let us listen to the discussion : "where there almost twice the number of Christians in the Muslim world ([1]), it might seem strange to be classified MohamedPeace be upon him higher than Christ, . There are two main reasons for this decision : First : Mohamed peace be upon him play a role in the prosperity of Islam far more important what he did Christ in the prosperity of Christianity. In spite of the peace that the Christ who was responsible for the creation and the basic principles and ethical behavior of the Christian "as long as they differed from the Jewish ([2])," it was St. Paul's is the original developer of Christian theology and publisher of the main Christian and the author of a large section of the New Testament. On the other hand, we find that Muhammad peace be upon him, is responsible for the Islamic faith as well as create and basic ethical principles. In addition, he played the key role in advocating the establishment of the new religion and religious practice of Islam. Paul, founder of the Christian Paul the Founder of Christianity, according to the opinion of the Hart honor founding Christianity should be split between the peace of Christ and St. Paul. The latter also believes Hart is the real founder of the Christian .. I can not hide myself Heart Out of a total of seven travel session of the new era, we find that St. Paul had written more than half. Contrary to the Paul Jesus Christ did not write a single word in the seven-century travel. If you found the so-called (the Gospel of seating red) will find that every word that Christ allegedly uttered written in red ink and black ink normal rest ([3]). When not surprised to find in the Bible, which is called (Gospel of Christ) of more than 90% in the seven century travel to the new printed leather in black (ink). This is the recognition of the Christian honest on what they call the Bible in any confrontation with the Christian missionaries, some say u well find hundred% of Paul ([4]). No one follows Christ, peace be upon him No. One follows Jesus (PBUH) said Jesus, peace be upon him : that you Thaboni Vahvzawa and Saiai-John 14 : 15, also said : It is set aside this Commandments Tunb and informed people in the so-called smaller kingdom of the heavens - when 5 : 19 If you ask any Christian Many argue whether this reservation law Commandments? answer (not) asked then why not do? he well answer no difference whether it is the promoter of the Holy Bible and the Alenaaqin (law Smart on the Cross), which meant that law has been completed or canceled He adds : "(We are now living under the mercy and grace of God). Each time induce what Christian woman teacher (Christ, peace be upon him), it Iwaghk some of the letters first and second to the people of Korinthos and Glateh message to the people and the message to the people of Ephesians and the message to the people of Filby .. Etc.. If asked by the author? he well answer : Paul-Paul-Paul. Who is ur master? he well answer Christ, peace, but he always will contradict Ms. Christ (peace be upon him) Balqdes Paul. Christians will find literate discusses the fact that the real founder of Christianity is the St. Paul Therefore, it was Michael Hart to be fair to classify Christ (peace be upon him) came in third in writing. Why angers your customer (Client) Why Provoke Your Customer? What Michael Hart a Christ came in third, we put a serious question as to why the American to publish a book of 572 pages in America and the sell price (15) for a copy and thus take the trouble to read the potential arousing the anger? Buy from writing? Of course, the Pakistanis will not be or the people of Bangladesh or the Arabs orThe Turks O God except few copies here your weakness. To is the most greatest from customers his [sykwnwaa] from the (250) million Christian and the (6) million Jew who America lives in.So why permission get angry [e'mlaay'h]?Pain hears the widespread statement that the customer always justifiably? In the printing heard that so why permission of this choice united? But I before this special folder closed [bhaart] will allow for him to his charitable apology presents his about rashness: “indeed choices for Mohammed (peace be upon him) to the rank comes in first of upright most persons of the scientist is impact in human already astonishesSome readers and already obstructs on him the some and but he the only man in the date was who prominent successes realized on all from the religious level and worldly “.Michael [haart](Immortals 100th), Al-33 classification of the most influential persons in history, New York publishing company Hart in 1978 who are great leaders of history : Who Were History's Great Leaders number of "Time," published in the July 15, 1974 Time, 15 July 1974 published "Time" magazine famous headline on the cover and inside the space. There have been many articles, such as : What makes great leader? Qualification throughout history?In these articles, the "Time" magazine asked a group of writers, historians and military, businessmen and others of their choice. The candidates gave each of them according to their point of view objectively as possible on each of them and the human drawing on the knowledge, and distinguished amateur and advance personal wisdom. Says James Gavin James Gavin, who was described as a man in the American army referred to the rank of lieutenant retirement : "I consider Jesus Christ and Muhammad, and perhaps Lenin is likely Mao Qi Tonj among leaders who have made the greatest impact throughout the ages .. As for the leader's qualifications, which could benefit to a degree far in the present time, I chose John F. Kennedy. Kennedy ".. General did not say more than that, but it is incumbent on us to Najeebeh the matter needs tremendous courage to write the name of Christ by Muhammad peace.It is certain that this was not a slip Registry.Jules Masirman Jules Masserman myself an American analyst and professor at the University of Chicago gives us Unlike other participants foundations built selected and the reasons that made him choose the Quaid-e-Azam for all the times that he would like us to discover what we are looking for a man in the required qualifications, which makes it unique. The search for any set of qualifications as in the case of Michael Hart, who was looking for the person who has the strongest impact. Looking Masirman in history and the analysis and refinement, Louis Pasteur-Gandhi-Confucius-Alexander the Great-Caesar - Hitler-Buddha-Christ-the last remaining until finally come to the following conclusion : "Perhaps the greatest leader had throughout the ages is Muhammad (peace be upon him), which collect the three moses has done the same to a lesser extent." It is not for us not be surprised by Masirman that a Jew had a waiver for inspecting even Adolf Hitler the principal enemy of the Division is considered a great leader. It was PEOPLE Hitler the German nation are strong, consisting of 90 million people were willing to walk to grant or Dmarham forgery. Alas has led them to death.But Hitler was not the question. But the question is : Why announce Masirman a Jewish American Custodian paid to the government for the people of his hometown, made more than 200 million of them Jewish and Christian that Christ and Moses, but Mohammed (peace all of them) is The Greatest Leader at all times! "We can now fairly conclude that the god of mercy who knows always sincere efforts to worship but only the shop promise of Muhammad peace be upon him, when he's chosen messenger," and hung you *krk "" Explanation : 44. "If it is a hidden made friends and enemies alike submit honoring supplicant-strong envoy to the prophet from God, as did soldiers (Creator) able even Satan himself entered in the service of the prophet as he did in the era of Christ.He cites Prof. K.. S. Rao Ramakrshna Hindu philosopher in his book (Islam's Prophet Muhammad) ([5]) Prime Satan himself - Yes-Adolf Hitler to prove the individual greatness of Muhammad peace be upon him. Such Masirman values, which the Prophet of Islam on three grounds, see p. 42-47 was of the view Ramakrshna Professor Rao also in a book called Hitler "you see my struggle as the" gem of three faces, and a privilege that is rarely found in the hero, the subject of debate.Invokes Hitler says (rarely be a man of great theories, but a great leader for moving is more likely to have these requirements, the qualifications and he is always a great leader because leadership or leadership means the ability to move the masses of humanity.Talent in the export of ideas is not involved in anything with leadership and the ability to continue to Hitler in his speech .. The federation, the capacity to develop theories, and the organization and leadership of one man, is the rarest phenomenon on the face of the earth in that situation greatness. " Professor finds "Rao" says that in his is "in the person of the Prophet of Islam view the world's rarest phenomenon on the face of the earth in the form of human beings of flesh and blood." before attacking any person of Professor ([6]) and others accusing him of bias and bribery necessary Let me add the names of other admirers Mohammad peace be upon him.1 - "was Muhammad (peace be upon him) compassion and good eyes from around who feel they did not influence never forget him." Diwan Chandsharmh.Hindu scholar, in his book Middle Russell 1935 p. 122.2 - "I have studied the wonderful men in my view, it should be called the savior human is a far cry from that alleged against Christ." George Bernard Shaw (in Islam Sadeq) c 1 1936.3 - "Fortunately, it is absolutely unique in history that Mohammed, founder of three things : the nation and empire and religion. " R.. Bozzourth-Smith in the book and Mohammad Mohammadi 1946. 4 - "The Muhammad most successful of all the religious figures." the knowledge of the British edition of 11.Now let us hear what some of the Timorese non-Muslims in this matter.A-"Whenever I study discovered that the more the power of Islam does not lie in the sword," Abu-Mahatma Gandhi in modern India "India girl." B - they (the critics Muhammad peace be upon him) see fire instead of light and Ugliness instead of Hassan - they are distorting tarring all described as good a great sin. This reflects the personal corruption.That Tksohm disillusioned critics who can not see that the sword is only used by Mohamed Seif was mercy and compassion, friendship and forgiveness. That sword that conquers enemies and purifies their hearts. The sword was sharper than the sword made from steel.Pandit Gyanendra Dave Charme Shastri at the meeting Bjorakpor India e in 1928.C-migration has preferred to fight his people. But when the injustice and oppression beyond the scope of possibility carrying sword in self-defense. Those who believe that religion can be spread by force idiots do not know ways of religion and ways of life.They are proud of this belief because they are very far from the truth.Sikh journalist ([7]) in the "Hindustan Vavan" Delhi November 17, 1947."Middle East and the West, West would never meet Monday. To all those who did not Yamahm bias will meet in the defense of Muhammad (peace be upon him) "Rodiard Kipling, "The Tsar and Pope in one person but he was Pope without arrogance and Tsar without paying crowds Tsars without an army unprepared-without a footnote without a castle without a fixed income. If anyone had the right to claim that a divine right is Mohammed. It was possesses all the authorities without tools and without the support "(t. Bosourth Smith-Mohammed and Islam) of the London 1874 page 92).([1]) other appears statistical that number Muslim in the scientist thousand million Muslim and number Christian in the scientist thousand and two hundred million Christian ([dydaat]).([2]) arrangement of Mohammed does not consider first cup in standing of Issa and Moussa, to Allah are raising of some people above some degrees and some prophets above some and generous Mohammed the last prophets and sender he the prophets not at all without the last lessening from amount. (the translator).([3]) and saw myself this edition from the New Testament which thinks that for Issa talk in her and pose in the bishop red and few words be new in him thinks (and not on way of the certitude) that he said her Issa. If considers this implicit recognition in distortion of the New Testament. (the translator)([4]) Paul should not be deceived by the Jewish people is slipped between Christians wearing them to religion and counteract them and the owner of the lion's share in the formation of the Bible, in This movement scam Paul is not the first of its kind in the Jewish understanding of all religions especially Islam has entered into Islam Jewish man tried to do like Paul named Abdullah of Saba insidious Jew he would put words Allah and the last of what he and his followers Alspiin they said Baloheh to have carried forward to his followers to burn one when you said to him when God is burning yelling and then also says you it is not God but Allah tortures fire .. He has done so forward to interrupt the roots of discord were emerging Jewish Abdullah bin Saba cause, .. The intervention of the Jews in the world operate this way, we find that Paul Marx and Lenin, who does not recognize the grounds of religion and communist Jews .. Freud's sexual permissiveness Jew .. Durkheim Jew .. Each had a role in the destruction of values and morals and religion behind the destruction of the Jews([5]), "the Prophet Muhammad Islam," the author Ramakrshna Rao-obtain from the Islamic Center of the invitation. (Author), and I add my thanks to God and unfinished work on the translation of this book will, God Almighty Dar chosen Islamic nature in the near future, God willing. (Translator).([6]), according to the latest information I received that the Indian Rmakershna Professor Rao author of the book, and Mohammed is his prophet of Islam is a Christian Indian submit a certificate of the right to the Prophet of Islam is one of the fair-minded people who give the Prophet Mohammed and his message.the right value([7]) : Sikh religion rejects Indian pagan and class segregation. (Author)

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