Wednesday, September 5, 2007

dont ever regret on love

dont ever regret on love
even if it get bad memorys
the flowers even if it get dry and here smell go
and the only thing still from it its her dry leg
dont ever forget that this flower gives u before be

beautiful smell makes u happy some day
dont ever broke all bredges with ur love
maybe ur fated to meet in another day
maybe if the good time gone maybe god saving better time
if u decided someday to leave ur lover dont leave hem with wound
who give u hes heart dosent desirve u to stike arrow in it
and dont leave apain moment to hem to make hem suffer
nothing more beautiful than happy memoreys
if the days sepreted u and ur love only remember to hem the true feeling
and dont talk about hem only by good beautifull things coz he give u heart
and u give hem life and nothing more precouse than heart and life
if u stay some day alone trying to gather the shadows of the lovly days u leve with ur love
then leave all the sadness feeling and the pain who sepreted both of u
try to gather the book of the nice words u heard it from ur love or u say it
make in ur days collection of ur love wounderfull pictures coz he living in ur heart
hes face the brightness in hes eyes hes smile when it take the heart to fly
when u miss hem in bad days.the hope that grow betwen both of u
if anyone ask u about ur love dont ever say bad things about hem even if he hurt u just remember he someday make u happy
make ur heart cave to hide all hes secrets coz he save u on it love is manners before it be feeling
if the destiny make u together again dont start blaming and accuising
and try to remember the last love moment was betwen both of u
to connect bast by now time dont snatch in what happind before coz now is the best to leve and now is important than the bast and the moment of meeting
and u must learn from ur xprince so life get better
dont ever try puy back or take revange from one give u hes heart coz revange cheap thing in the market of feeling and emotions and revenge not from lovers manners
and its wrong to show ur emotions in the market dont be knights without manners
and if it was must be the end dont leave any door to get ur love back
if u see that all doors closed in ur face and u lost the hope in hope and the one u love close hes heart keys and throught in the vally of forget here try to make ur dignity more important than ur bleaded hear even if hes blood all over that whole universe coz it be no use to call alover didnt hear u and to leve in house no one know u in it .and to leve on someone memory he give u up without reaon
but if u couldnt do all that then u must know that u truely love and u cant leve without ur love spicaly if it was saedahtul mubarakah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its really something that does makes lots of marks in a persons life. keep strong. of course "never get mad over the person that hurt u cos that person has once make u happy" ..... that is really such a lovely quote. as long as u always remember that some ppl just dont deserve wat u haf given. :)