Sunday, September 9, 2007

iwant die today

today all my sadness come again today iwant die today
all my wounds opens today all my graves open today
today isaw her pic with him today isaw both of them
today my heart lost everything today icant find anything
why igo there why why isaw the pics why why im doing that
why ilove her and she didnt love me why why idesirve that why
what ido in my life to get that puinshment why
why im that weake why why my tears falls down on her why
why istill love her while shes with another why
why ilove her and she never think in me why why
why icant kill myself and rest from all that why
oh god only if wasent forrbidn ikill myself now to rest forever
igive her my life my soul what iget brokinheart
destroyed life no future no love what iget is big zero
maybe coz im bigger zero in this life so idont desirve more
iwas starting to get peace with myself just start but now
now all gone now isaw her pics with him now ireally want die
idont want this life anymore idont want it why ilive in live
im nothing in it nothing for others nothing for the one ilove
and big nothing for myself im biggest nothing on earth
oh god please help me icant stand that icant iswear icant
idont want desobey u but icant stand anymore
im so weake so weake .
ihate the day iknow her.ihate the day italk to her
ihate the day isaw her .ihate my self but icant hate her
coz icant stop love her icant just icant
ihate today ihate who take her from me
ihate this net ihate everything ihate my self
but cant hate her icant and cant stop loving her
so better thing idie iwant to die
yes today isaw her pics with him so
today iwant to die

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