Monday, September 3, 2007

forgive me i surrender

forgive me isurrender coz ididnt fight enough
isurrender when u stop loving me
isurrender when another takes u from me
forgive me isurrender coz iwas weake more
weake than ican think and imagin
but ur love who makes me weake
isurrender not coz ilove surrending no isurrender
when my impregnability from being hurt collapsed
isurrender when u prefare anotherone on me
isurrender when u forget all my love and feeling
isurrender when u forget all love days and just remember
my mistakes my big mistake u blame me for that being crazy
in ur love thats my biggest mistake for ever
idont blame u ever iblame my self coz iwasent strong
ithought u who's the weake but now its me only me
maybe u think im not flexible have strict mind
maybe but in end iwas accept what u want isn't
isurrender when u stap my heart without mercy
isurrender when u forget my happines and my dreams
we built it togther or ibuilt it and u accept
isurrender why not and we r in the time or selling
everything is prepared to by selled even heart and emotion
isurrender coz u want me surrender without price
isurrender when ifeelt pain but icant say sigh
isurrender when iloved death if idont live with u
isurrender when u was the reason of my illness but
cant blame u my sickness was me the reason coz my weakness
and coz icouldnt stand lossing u thats my sin cant beer lossing u
is that all enough reasons for surrender is't anyone tell me please
isurrender when ifall unconsciousness in front of ur last messege
isurrender when u say fantasy about all ihave and own
isurrender when u mock on what iused tell u
isurrender when u smash me by words but like bombs
idont want surrender but u force me to do u know how weake im with u
u know how usless im infront of u coz that iwant fight but u take
all my weapons and putt me infront of winds and storms naked
but the main reason isurrender for that ilove u and stay forever till
my death on my love to u same as before even maybe more
yes istill love u after what u done after ihosptalezed coz it and after
istill dont know when ibe back.back to me when ifeel im
the old one iknow.maybe then ican raise my head again and fight
and win my battle my last battle that only if igot u again then iknow
its the only thing can make me stop surrenedring
isurrender coz nothing stop me hope one day the reason
makes me surrender well be same make me raise and fight again
isurrender because u and for u and only u
someday iwell fight again and stop surrender
iwell stop surrender for u

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